
Arrgh!!! I got the bike running fine the other day and now today I can't seem to get it running again! Did everyone else have this much trouble getting the motor started? I checked everything and there is an excess amount of oil coming out of the exhaust pipe plus the silencer wants to keep blowing out. Are there any professionals here in southern California that I can take my bike to get looked at?
In in NC can't help you with the repairman abut I would give some thought about what is different since the last time I rode the bike. Like is the kill switch connected now. If so pull it again.

That kind of thing. What is a silencer I have never heard of one other than on a pistol. Don't shoot the bike in some states they arrest you for that.
Yah I disconnected the kill switch again and still would not start. The silencer is the baffle in the exhaust that is connected with two small screws. Wish there was a repairman nearby.
Day 5 of the frustration. I cannot start the motor. I about to buy a new one and scrap this one or use it for parts. I dont know what else to do.
Sorry I am not qualified to make any more suggestion but I do wish you luck and I sympathize for what it is worth.
Freshwater - Start again from scratch and go over the basics. This is one of the simplest engines on the planet. Don't give up, Learn from it.
Spark, yes or no?
Spark plug condition, wet or dry?
Fuel, ratio ok?, flowing ok?
Vacuum Seal, good intake manifold gaskets, required to draw fuel into the engine.
Idle set screw condition? still pointed, not busted in the orifice? Open at 4 turns.
Great suggestions capt'n.

Freshwater, have you tried 1/2 to 3/4 choke and full throttle to start the bicycle motor?
Bad news guys! When I tried to start it this afternoon The thing that holds the chain in place pulled towards the spokes and broke 3 of them. Now I need a new wheel because the coaster brake broke at the same time. The Wheel wobbles now and I was so closing to flying off the bike. I think the problem why the bike did not start because of the spark plug. The center electrode moved up and down which is not suppose to. I am so Pissed Off at the moment I just want to kick the bike! I now need a new wheel, spark plug, and reinstall the sprocket on the wheel to see IF it will even start.
Thats a bummer but don't give up and don't kick the horse for being onery.
Once you get it running it's a hoot to ride.
Make sure to solder your connections . I have the same kit i cut the connectors off and soldered the wires together and I have never had a problem with my kill switch
the best you can get is an on/off switch like on a weedeater handlebar... instead of a simple button you push once.. it may be easy to install, if you got a small solder...
I hate to say it but having the chain tensioner hit the spokes is owner error. on a new install in is so very important to tighten every nut and bolt every day for at least two weeks even if you only go around the block. as for the not starting it definitly sounds like the motor is flooded(oil coming out exhaust) after replacing the spark plug do not use full choke. what part of the country are you in? elevation has a lot to do with adjusting the carb.
When i first purchased my motor I lived in illinois now i live in Wyoming up by Yellowstone park when i moved here the motor would not run at all after looking on this site and others i figured out how to get it running again. Now im on my 4th year with my DAX 70cc. pm me and maby i can help you more.