Frame question sorta.


minor bike philosopher
As you probably know I have a 24inch bike with a motor. I have been thinking I want a 26 inch front wheel. I have a tire wheel just dont know what to do with the forks. They are going to be an inch too short right.

I have a 26 inch mtb are the front forks about the same size. Can I just switch them out.
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i believe but not positive you will have to replace the front fork with one that will accept a 26" wheel but not positive on that
my thinking too I have about an inch of clearance in the front fork. Im afraid any movement would bind the tire. I might see about some extensions of some kind maybe.
ya i wouldn't chane it on my motorized bicycle. going to fast for something to get in that small space and send this old man over the handle bars
my thinking exactly. I have a mt bike with a twenty six inch front end. Im going to see tomorrow if I can swap them out. At least pull down the mtb and see if they are close
Hi IF the steerer is the same, ie. using 22.2 bearings, not one at 21.1 and the other at 22.2.

THEN IF the steerer is the same lenght, or longer on the one you want to use, and IF the threads reach down far enough this CAN be done.

But, WHY??? Why would you want to do this, and what would be the advantage?

Remember I'm not a fan of MTB, and not real big on the Chopper look either. but I cannot see any advantage here.

Just like the look of the higher front end. More to be different that anything else.

I honestly don't think I can use the forks since the sissy schwinn has a much lighter frame. I'm almost positive that the two are incompatible. I might just see if there is an extension made, if not I can con my neighbor into welding a couple on the front end. In the end I might not do anything at all.
I think I wanted to know how to do it as much as to do it. I found the way to do it through google of course, now I don't know if it is too much trouble or I'm just lazy as dirt. Anyway here is a link in case you are more ambitious than me.

Atomic Zombie's Carnage chopper bicycle: Fork extension - Instructables - DIY, How To, ride, craft

Seems to be no more than cutting the front fork and welding a tubular extension into it. Pretty straight forward to modify the fork anyway you like. I knew I should have bought that welder.
Don't try to reinvent the wheel or over engineer this, a 26 in. wheel fork can be had cheap and easy and will fit the bike fine. we might have one laying around.
I had also thought that as well. The schwinn I have is a pretty common little thing but it is the lightweight version. If I decide to do it, I will take a look at some of the bikes around here and at the bike shop to see if they have a fork for one.

Still if you want do a radical front end, its nice to know it's doable. With taking a mortgage on the house. I think this is what I love about this project, I can tinker a week for twenty bucks.
a springer front end at least at the schwinn shop here is only about $40.00. they are not real expensive
The good thing about being a cobbler is that I can hold off and look for a complete 26" schwinn. One with the light frame then I get the whole bike for ten bucks at the thrift store. Hey I'm retired, I'm allowed to be Frugal (cheap)

Beside being retired I have all the time in the world to fool around.

Case in point: Today I made a great discovery, paint rubbing compound gets rid of really deep rust on chrome If you do it enough times. Much easier than the chrome cleaner/polish I have.
good tip on the rubbing compound. i found the best place to get bicycles is garage sales. i have picked them up for a couple bucks more then once. i used to get them clean em up and give to the neighborhood kids.
I should be doing that. I am going to have to toss some of the frames I have here.

I did make one decision today, no more mtb for me. I am going to stay with the cruisers most everything is interchangeable with them.

Biggest problem I have with cruisers is they made the early ones for people with much smaller butts than me. I need the big seat but then wallymart sells those now. Wallymart doubled their bike parts here. I suppose it is because I fussed that they never had anything. Squeaky wheel effect.
Hey Deacon
here something to try for rust on chrome. Very fine steel wool ( I think 00)that's double ought with Dupont chrome polish. Try it as they say on small area first. Comet cleaner and Bonamie or how ever you spell it, works with the wool too.
Save those old frames at least cut the straight tubing out of them cause you can make all sorts of goodies out of trailer top bars(wink wink) (^)and other things.
I love trailers lol.. Yeah this keeps up im gonna have to buy that sawsall... I swear that mtb I bought must have one 1 1/2 tubes its the biggest bike I have ever seen.
Believe it or not I have those ready to go on. Scavenged them from a 16" kids bike but they will be great. Just have to find the nerve to take the goose necks loose from both bikes. The schwinn has a funky lock on it. It wont open enough to get the cross bar in. If I pry it im afraid it will break. Anybody got any experience with them.

If it breaks I guess I can stick something on it from one of the other bikes. Or give me an excuse to go back to the thrift store for more bikes... more bikes..... more bikes

Okay you talked me into it. Tomorrow I do it. Heck I'll do it right now I'm bored.
Okay I did it. all done and ready to ride. I always like those monkey bars or ape hangers whatever. Off a kids bike they fit the little sissy schwinn really quite well. I'll do a picture soon to show you guys.