Frame Damage?


New Member
Hey guys, I bolted the chain tensioner on a bit too tight and pinched my steel frame. Do you guys think this is going to be a problem? Take a look at the pics here: Frame Damage

It is pinched pretty good, it looks a lot worse with the tensioner off. The top of the steel tube is completely crimped, you just cant see it with the tensioner on it. Is there a way to fix this? Let me know what you guys think
wholey moley....that tube must have been soft....well just don't take the tensioner off and you'll probably be OK.....not much you can do now. wow!
It held up fine after a 40 minute ride up and down hills today. I just hope that it won't fold after going over a bump in the future!
Here are pics of the bike: Bike Pics
That did mash in pretty bad. I think I would just ride it hard for a while and keep an eye on it. I guess you could cut the bent tube out and weld in a new peice If it looked like it was failing.........................
this wont look pretty but get a piece of pipe just a little bigger diameter then the frame where it is bent and cut it up the middle long ways. make it long enough to go around 6" past either side of the bend then sandwhich the two pieces together on the frame over the bend. paint to match and you will be a lot safer. its good looking ride
that sounds like a pretty good idea Cruiser. I was also wondering about putting a bar on the inside and spot welding it in there, but outside seems probably better. Think I should wait until it fails before I do anything about it?
i dont know how to weld and had to fix an axel on a rider lawnmower and did it like i described and it worked great. if you have free time i would fix it soon. if it fails you could have a nasty wreck and also the chain will most likely come off from the new slack and that busts spokes. whole lot cheaper to fix now.
Now you know why I use those cupped washers.

That's not bad compared to what I did on my Military bike...I crushed it. I never had any problems with it after that. That tube is loaded in tension and so it should be O.K. I would stay away from hard wheelies and jumps.