frame broke


New Member
The bottom tube on my bike frame broke in two around where the engine sits, can i fix it?

(i ride a little hard)
I have a different bike but there is not enough clearance in the frame from the engine, it is possible to rack mount one of the standard china engines and if so what what do I need?

I don't know if any of the parts I already have are useable but what would be the required minimum parts I would need for a rock mount if you include the parts I already have from a standard in frame mount.
An experienced welder fabricator could prolly fix the frame. Some variables come to play here. You say its an older frame. Is it steel? It is prolly steal a better frame then than a run of the mill wallmart bike these days I am guessing. How well did you have the motor mounted?

I ask because if it was loosely mounted or you ran a bolt through the down tube to install the engine this is a contributing factor. See this read.. to rubber or not to rubber - Google Search
i didn't cut the frame but there was a fault in my mount due to me rushing a bit the last time I put the engine on, that was a contributing factor that i plan on correcting next time around.

I'm not really a welder and idk what material its made of but I tried sticking a magnet to it and it did stick so its not aluminum, therefor I guess its steel.
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Should be able to fix. Find another tube the same size cut about 3" chunk. Split it length wise cut about 1/8 out so it fits inside were the break is. Clean the break so there is about a 1/8" gap for weld. Up forom the break about half way,drill a couple of holes { 1/2" } on each side for rosest welds. Tig would be best but brazing would work also. Just make sure you get it clean to bare metal......Curt
Mybe so, but if you fixed it it would be dpuble thickness and it should only take about 10 minutes weld not that $ if you have it all ready.
i'm with Nougat on this one.

i've always been of the opinion that once a bike frame breaks, it's time to throw it away (unless it's a classic bike that rarely gets pedalled around.)

in my BMX days, i've broken frames, re-welded them, then broke them again in another place. seems like once one spot goes, everywhere else follows.

craigslist should be able to set you up with another bike for cheap.
i'm with Nougat on this one.

i've always been of the opinion that once a bike frame breaks, it's time to throw it away (unless it's a classic bike that rarely gets pedalled around.)

in my BMX days, i've broken frames, re-welded them, then broke them again in another place. seems like once one spot goes, everywhere else follows.

craigslist should be able to set you up with another bike for cheap.

I would opt for fixing it if you like the bike, otherwise trash it. I had a Monark stingray as a kid that spent most of it's time off the ground or with the front wheel in the air. It broke in the usual spot, at the top of the down tube near the head tube junction. Broke it 3 times over a 14 year period, each time in the same spot. the last time I welded it I put a gusset and 2 side straps too beef it never broke again.

I've also broken top-notch aluminum Mtn. Bike frames in the same spot, welded up with a gusset and good to go. If I didn't care for those particular bikes I would have just trashed the frames. No big deal. Do what you can afford and keep on ridin'.....
