Found in UK

In 1956 I bought a Travis from an ad in Popular Science magazine. I got the 1 1/2 hp version, without the chrome. I took the muffler off, and bent a piece of 1/2" water pipe using the drawbar on our tractor and another larger diameter piece of pipe for leverage. I bent it about 120 degrees so it swooped back and fastened it to the front fork. It was about 2' long and without a muffler. Probably didn't go any faster, but you could sure hear me coming. Loved that thing.
greybeard, i too used 1/2'' pipe on my childhood motors. once a hot rodder.. always a hot rodder. but i was sure it made more power.. it had to because it was louder. neighbors were not real happy with me..but i sure was. i found that a 10'' pipe made the most noise.