Flying motorized bicycles

Re: Flying MBs

Wow!! Thats amazing....thanks for the link Dan. I had no ideal that they laid out cables on runways.
Re: Flying MBs

Wow!!! Very cool vid, thanks Dan!!!

I guess the moral of the story is that if your plane can fly fast enough, it'll just rocket through the sky and it's OK to lose a wing!

On a side note, I remember reading about a guy who built a plane and the last thing anyone heard him say before he took off for his last flight was, "Let's see what this thing can really do today". It turned out that the plane he built wasn't recommended for acrobatical manuevers and when he tried his thing up there, he lost his wings and crashed. But to lose a wing and make it safely back done.......that guy deserves a medal!
Re: Flying MBs

There was a ultra-light crash here in Tucson a little while back right near my sisters house. He clipped some power lines and knocked the electricity to my sisters house.

It looks like the drug cartels are using ultra lights to bring there drugs in the U.S. now. They saw this guy cross the border but then loss track of him until he crashed.

Ultralight stuffed with pot crashes near Tucson
Re: Flying MBs

Wow Fair. Great article, thanks. I was trying to think of ways to defray building costs. (kidding!) Have to admire the ..dunno. "You know how to fly, yes?....."

Did you read some of the comments below? Some were very funny. A lot sad too.

Also gives another good point, point to the inflatable platform boat/MB. a lil bounce. That 10 $K kit is looking the way to go. Gonna wait until I take the introductory class, hang gliding to ask this one though!
Re: Flying MBs

How about a gyro copter MB? I made one in my livingroom last's a pic of it!


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Re: Flying MBs

THATS SUPER DUPER DUPER COOL!! That old rubber dinghy is coming out the shed!

LOL Mile! Every time I watch that vid, I start doing the middle aged white guy toe tap. When the bow lifts out of the water it turns into full fledged chair dance with goose bumps.
Now just have to learn to fly and come up with an extra $10K or so. lol

Built a RC model out of a 10$ toysR us car. (toy store) Won't fly and have to redo it. Is wood and not enough engine for the weight.
Re: Flying MBs

learn how to fly?! It's like learning how to ride a bicycle, you just gotta strap in and take off! Sure you MIGHT 'fall off' or some alarmists would say 'plunge' but unlike a bike it'll only be once and wont hurt for half as long!... one hopes anyway.......

Thats where natural talent comes into play...and is rather crucial...i suggest you get some hours on flight simulator if you wanna be a wimp!

What would the wright brothers say!
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Re: Flying MBs

LOL Mile rotfl.

My version of that is it will hurt, but not for long. unless your on fire on the trip down.

The Wright brothers built a wind tunnel before trying! snork
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Re: Flying MBs

Guys i've done it!!! Thats right me, milegajo has built the worlds FIRST bicycle areoplane. Its a simple bolt on attachment to your current motorised bike!!!!!!

Pictures to follow