Flatless Tires or tubes ????

I really like the idea of no air tires.. I don't even have my engine kit yet but I'm already worried about flats because I'm not mechanically inclined and the first time will be rough. And right now, I don't even have a pump yet... Bought a little toolkit at Walmart but I think I'm going to return it. The first time I needed to use it, it didn't have what I needed to work on my bike. The no flat idea seems great. Wish someone had already bought them so we could know what they ride like. Does anyone know how much the airless tires cost?
I got two tires at $28 each, $13 shipping, which is about the same price as regular tires from a retail store. You'll need to remove the tire from your rim in order to measure it....see following link
Bicycle Tires Guaranteed to Never Go Flat
then pick which type of tire you want.
I've now read they're difficult to install...it's a good thing I'm a mechanic with a plethora of tools available!!
I got two tires at $28 each, $13 shipping, which is about the same price as regular tires from a retail store. You'll need to remove the tire from your rim in order to measure it....see following link
Bicycle Tires Guaranteed to Never Go Flat
then pick which type of tire you want.
I've now read they're difficult to install...it's a good thing I'm a mechanic with a plethora of tools available!!

Thanks man. That's not bad at all for price. Yea, it's a good thing you have tools. A mechanic I'm not. So I would probably be swearing a little here and there lol. Thanks for the info.. I think I will be getting me some of them when I save up the money. Sounds like the best way to go. Having a flat in the middle of a trip just has to be no fun! How do they ride? Is there much of a difference?
They are made of a dense urethane and you sorta roll them on from the side. i use a big ass screw driver for the last part though to make it easier, but it's not required.:ride2:
Hey Crab,
The No-More-Flats I have in the front seems to be working perfectly well...however, I also solved the flats issue proven by my rear tire....now I'm actually sitting here, looking at pictures of my bike with the balloon tires, and they look a lot nicer than the smaller tires I have on now, and can't help but wonder, if I get a new front rim, I can try out a slime tube up there with the kevlar cruiser tire, and just switch the back to use the balloon tires with the current slime/Mr. Tuffy setup.

I dunno..I just don't like the way the current setup feels. Mushy in the rear, the NMF up front is fine...but I would like to get back on the bigger tires. Well, if I can locate another rim...
Hey Crab,
The No-More-Flats I have in the front seems to be working perfectly well...however, I also solved the flats issue proven by my rear tire....now I'm actually sitting here, looking at pictures of my bike with the balloon tires, and they look a lot nicer than the smaller tires I have on now, and can't help but wonder, if I get a new front rim, I can try out a slime tube up there with the kevlar cruiser tire, and just switch the back to use the balloon tires with the current slime/Mr. Tuffy setup.

I dunno..I just don't like the way the current setup feels. Mushy in the rear, the NMF up front is fine...but I would like to get back on the bigger tires. Well, if I can locate another rim...

Hey Mark... Glad that you got your "flats" problems worked out. That's what I'm worried about when I get my bike (what with me being 235lbs and all). The poor tires will be begging for mercy lol. And yea, I like the look of the bigger tires. They just look cooler. The bigger the better for me. I've heard good stuff about the kevlar tires. I think you would like them.

My tires are anything but mushy. If I'm reading my tires right, it says to put 40-65 psi in the tires. Wow that seems like a lot. I don't know how much is in there. Can you use a regular car gauge I wonder? Will have to check. My wife just said that yea, it will work :).

Well, I will talk to you in a bit... have a great one!
I'm running around 40psi...I had mine around 50 on the balloon tires..thought that might have been part of the problem, but I think it's all about good thick slime tubes that are protected on both sides - rims and road.

Where can I buy a replacement front rim for the Kulana? THere's no way this front tire is coming off without destroying it. :)
I'm running around 40psi...I had mine around 50 on the balloon tires..thought that might have been part of the problem, but I think it's all about good thick slime tubes that are protected on both sides - rims and road.

Where can I buy a replacement front rim for the Kulana? THere's no way this front tire is coming off without destroying it. :)

What's up with your front tire Mark? I did a google search for a replacement rim but did not find anything. You might call Walmart and see what they have to say (just a thought) :) I will keep looking and let you know if I find anything.
I finally found the flatless tubes I got at Walmart....I found this pic on E-bay...it's the very same brand

I got two tires at $28 each, $13 shipping, which is about the same price as regular tires from a retail store. You'll need to remove the tire from your rim in order to measure it....see following link
Bicycle Tires Guaranteed to Never Go Flat
then pick which type of tire you want.
I've now read they're difficult to install...it's a good thing I'm a mechanic with a plethora of tools available!!

I have just bought some...I know some of you may not beleive it, but I got them at Ace Hardware. They only had one but paid for two and have the other on order and they will call when it get's there. They where $25.99...I'm going to mount them on one of my pedal bike's first and see how they do. I only have the front one mounted and so far I don't like the way it feel's. I'll give it some time and test them out before I decide to mount them on my MB or just buy two more for the MB. I'll do a update soon.




Oh...it wasn't too bad to mount, all I used was some re-usable zip ties (can use regular zip ties) a screwdriver and some dish soap.

I started to mount it on the wheel as much as I could with my hand. When trying to get the rest of the sidewall it would just pop off. So I started again just getting as much on by hand, then every I'd say five inches I would use a zip tie. I would use a screw driver to pry the tire on just a inch or so at a time...then add a zip tie so it would not pop off. I just did that till I had it on all they way.

After it was on...I laid it on the ground and used the screwdriver on the side of the sidewall and pushed down to get the sidewall to pop into the wheel. I did that all the way around then the other side. I would do one side then flip it over and do the other...which would also cause the other sidewall to pop out.. but just keep working it and it will go.
Hmmm...zip ties sound like a good idea! I wish I would have thought about it. Just thinking about my NMF install makes my hands ache!

I decided to get some smaller tires for the NMF tubes, because I thought it would be sloppy with cruiser balloon tires...so I'm using the Bell Kevlar Comfort tires with the NMF up front. It's on well, and is hard as 50psi would be, and I don't feel any sloppyness from the front end.

On another note:
Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a new front rim? I would like to try to go back to the balloon tires, and I don't want to destroy the tire and NMF tube trying to get it off, so I'd rather just buy one more rim.

Please point me to a link if you can help. :)

Just a little while ago I got some new rim's from.....Wheels: Husky Bicycles

After a few mile's when I would pedal, the hub would skip. I was going to fix it but then thought I should not have to with new wheels.. I sent a e-mail to them and let them know what was going on. They said to send it back and they would ship me a new one.

About a week and a half later I got the new wheel...they sent me the 26X2.125...wrong one. I need the 26X1.75...so I e-mailed them and sent it back. Then they did send the 26X1.75....But it was the front wheel :-||

So I sent it back again...I waited, and waited, and waited....I e-mailed them with no response. Finally I called them, they said they where out of stock and it would be 2 week's before they got a new shipment. Well that was it for me!! I sent the other front wheel I had and asked for my money back.

They did not want to give me my money back :-||...I had to get my credit card company involved and they took care of it for me.

So I wish I knew where to get some good wheel's...I'm using my old beat-up wheel's again. I can find good wheel's...but they are a couple of hundred buck's each. I've been thinking of some mag wheels, they are $145 each. But so far I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money right now.
So what didn't you like about the tire (feeling)?

It feel's like it is flat when I ride it....after a few ride's it seem's to be getting better or I'm just getting used to it. Maybe it needs time to settle in?? I still have not got the rear tire, that may help but so far I guess it's okay...it could all be in my head rotfl

I hope I can remember to take pic's of the mounting this time.
Squirlly, not hard to pedal at all...it get's good traction it's just a diferent feelling then an air tire. I rode it today a little bit after work and it's getting better and better. I think it just need's to work itself in.

I wish it was more of a "street" tire. It does great in the dirt. But Ace did not have any other option's like the web site does. The rear tire should be in Friday. I will go for a long ride when I get it mounted...I'll keep you posted.
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Fair - I have a NMF up front only. I switched to a bit smaller than balloon tires, too. Bell Kevlar Comfort Tires. I really can't feel any difference - it's TIGHT. It was hard as h-ell to install, that's for sure...

The back I switched the balloon tire to the same as the front, but I went with the Bell Super-dooper tubes, with a Mr. Tuffy liner, and electrical tape wound 3 times around the wheel itself to protect from the spokes.

I think I have about 300 miles on this config, and I'm happy with it.

Just make sure you don't overfill the rear tire. Around 40-45psi max. My front feels a tad harder to squeeze. (That didn't sound right!).

I think if you use the NMF in the rear, you better make sure it's good and tight inside the tire...