People, so far all has been well. Yesterday, i went to my appointment with the public defender. He said i needed to get a letter from the dmv stating that they do not register it.l So, this morning i went to the dmv. I told the the lowdown, and what i needed and gave them a picture of my bike so they could see it. They had this same issue just weeks before and had called the head dmv office and they told this local dmv office that they sand by what the TL-10 document said. They gave me the page of the TL-10 document that i had read to the cop. I told the lady, i took that to court and i need that signed or stamped by someone in the dmv so the public defender will have solid proof that the dmv stands by that document. Sure enough. she takes that sheet into a office and gets the tax collector to stamp it, she dates it, writes "dmv procedures" on it, and gets the state notary that works there to stamp it and now, the next and final step is to go to court on the 19th and the ticket will be dropped. The public defender said that he would tallk with the state attorney and see if he can get the ticket thrown out wednesdayIas in tomorrow) when he gets a chance to talk with him. Heres the document