First Snow Bozeman Montana

If man was meant to go to places like that, he'd have hoofs instead of feet. :)

I mean, after all, what can you really do up there? No hotels with warm beds. No restrooms, no resturants, no beaches, no place to get a margarita. Just trees and rocks and for most of the year, snow. They look good on post cards and calendars and from my back porch, but mountains are for goats, not flat landers like me.


that's like saying if man were meant to fly we would have wings. i'm still going to take airplanes when I have to travel far though. "man" is meant to do whatever he pleases, that's why we put small engines on bicycles.

for me, the experience of hiking/walking up a mountain or even just through the woods, in a park, or wherever is quite a similar experience to cruising down the road on my motorized bicycle, just freedom from the bullsh!t of life and a good overall emptiness of the head/enjoying the moment.

Looking at a picture is not the same experience as actually being there.
You won the lottery on that one. You can volunteer to help at the weather station and you would probably get a chance to join the 100 mile club. That's when you go out and collect the data from the weather recorders while the wind is doing in excess of 100 miles an hour.

More likely to happen in fall, winter and early spring but I've seen videos of the people doing it and it is interesting to say the least. Kind of fun to watch someone going backwards faster than they can scramble forwards.

Fantastic photos of the summit.

Goodmorning fellow snow enthusiasts and motor assisted bicycle junkies!
I intend to post good winter pictures here occasionally, but things have remained about the same here, until the last few days. It's 0630, -25 degrees, and I am about to hook up a trailer and drive 100 miles north on roads reportedly covered with black ice. Sounds awesome.
Anyhow, I am to return and then head to Utah this evening. I will take the camera and see what I can do about some good snow pics.
Stay warm everyone!
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I wish you good fortune on your trip! I HATE black ice.
I'm looking forward to your awesome pics and good news that you didn't take an unexpected detour into a roadside ditch. I HATE black ice!
I could not agree more Gearnut. It was down to 30mph at some points.

Pic1: On the way to Helena from Bozeman.
Pic2: Near the Montana/ Idaho border on the way to Utah.
Pic3: A place that shocked me. This is middle of nowhere Utah, and I clearly remember staying just over that rise, at a small motel with a girlfriend, when I was about 20. No idea what we we're doing here...
Pic4: The mountains on the east side of town (Ogden, Utah).
Pic5: The Bridger mountains just outside my door, this morning.


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I am glad that you kept the rubber on the black. Thank you for the pics! I love the countryside out that way.
Not our first but just another dump on Denver. Fortunately I have a wife, Denver native, who doesn't mind it. Here she is shoveling off the back patio. We were supposed to get 1to 3 inches. That was 6 inches ago and it's still snowing.



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This is Madison valley, the next valley west of me.

1) Literally, a sheet of ice. I promise there's a road under there!
2) Part of my job is deliveries. These low, owner built bridges usually wash out every three to ten years.
3) Standing about 50 miles north-west of Yellowstone park, looking north, up the west side of the Madison valley.
4) The Madison river. This flows north, and meets at the headwaters of the Missouri, and Gallatin rivers, near my valley (the Gallatin) Voted three of the best fly fishing rivers in the world for more years than I've been alive. Come fish, but please go home, Montana is full.
5) The Bridger mountains near my house.


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My favorite bumper sticker when I lived in New Hampshire was,

"Welcome to New Hampshire, Enjoy your visit and then go home."

Forgot these...

The Spanish Peaks, from the west. All the way to the left is Bozeman, all the way on the right is Yellowstone park.


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A couple closer looks at The Sphinx, and Fan Mountain.

Steve- I'm pretty sure I saw one that said, "Welcome to Maine, now go home." lol Love that! Of course, I'm hoping the old timers don't kick me out, this year only makes twenty that this has been my home of record... :-{

Tom- Was it tough not to spill your drink while taking a picture out of your recliner? :) It's good to have a good one my friend.


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Well I missed the first snow this year, but it's the middle of May and I'm guessing we still have more than most of you, so here's a few pictures.

I apologize for the quality, they are pictures of pictures in my phone.

PIC1 Just a little snow left. ;)

PIC2 Lone Peak. About 12000' peak.

PIC3 Our local Arnold Palmer golf course, in good working order. After golf, you can go ski Lone Peak a bit!


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They're predicting snow here on Sunday. It has snowed on Mother's Day the last four out of five years. And not just a dusting. They're saying possibly 8 to 10 inches. Rats!

It's been raining for five days. Haven't seen the sun or dry streets. Ahhh, Spring time in the Rockies. Gotta love it, or move South.

My vote would be for the south. Then again once spring does hit in the mountains it's darned hard to beat.

My son is in Ecuador on his motorcycle ride to the tip of South America. He's on a Yamaha WR250r. He said the heat is something else but he lives in New Hampshire so it's a nice change.

My vote would be for the south.

Have you heard about the weather here in the 'south'? Been crazy the last couple of days..........last night, there were tornadoes on the ground a couple miles north and a couple of miles south of where I live. Oh, and some tennis ball size hail for a while. Wait, did I tell you about the 75 mph winds that lasted for a couple of hours or 7 inches of rain while all of this was happening?

Oh well, I guess there's issues no matter where you live........
xseler- My budddy moved back here from Brokenbow recently, he mentioned the madness that's been going on down there. Keep your head down man! ;)
They're predicting snow here on Sunday. It has snowed on Mother's Day the last four out of five years. And not just a dusting. They're saying possibly 8 to 10 inches. Rats!

It's been raining for five days. Haven't seen the sun or dry streets. Ahhh, Spring time in the Rockies. Gotta love it, or move South.

Well, they were right. Here's the view from my back porch this morning. Rats! Have some broken tree limbs and my Elderberry bushes suffered badly. We have about four inches but its heavy wet stuff.

I'm ready for some warm weather and sunshine.



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I'm on vacation this coming week and the snow sure threw a 'kink' into my plans of doing some mountain camping. Think I will look at the weather map Monday and try to find a "no rain/no snow" part of the country..........