If man was meant to go to places like that, he'd have hoofs instead of feet.
I mean, after all, what can you really do up there? No hotels with warm beds. No restrooms, no resturants, no beaches, no place to get a margarita. Just trees and rocks and for most of the year, snow. They look good on post cards and calendars and from my back porch, but mountains are for goats, not flat landers like me.
that's like saying if man were meant to fly we would have wings. i'm still going to take airplanes when I have to travel far though. "man" is meant to do whatever he pleases, that's why we put small engines on bicycles.
for me, the experience of hiking/walking up a mountain or even just through the woods, in a park, or wherever is quite a similar experience to cruising down the road on my motorized bicycle, just freedom from the bullsh!t of life and a good overall emptiness of the head/enjoying the moment.
Looking at a picture is not the same experience as actually being there.