First build, hopefully fast.

I'm hoping to get some pretty good speed out of it. I serviced a lot of pro bicycles at one of my last jobs. The pro athletes could hit close to 50 with no motor at all so hopefully I can do over half of what they can lol
Got it running, the stock chain that came with the kit broke in less than a mile. More of the story in the Bonneville thread in races and rallies. Will keep posting as i make progress and get a decent chain.
The pics on page 2 are all I have right now and the camera on my phone is broken. Installing new grips and doing some work this weekend. Will borrow the wifes phone and get some new pics.
Wonder what happened to my reply's to your thread?Did I say something
out of line.Seems to happen a lot on this form??

LSR I was in Tucson last week when it snowed.I meant to see if I could meet you.
Did not get the chance thow.

The twin brother to yours,

Flyman, I have no idea what happens to your replys on the thread? I saw them on my phone once and when i got home i went to find them on the computer so I could see if you had any pics up and I couldn't find them. I thought I had been seeing things about someone having the same bike as mine. Yours is awesome by the way but I guess I'm biased ha ha. PM me and I will send you my number, if you are back around Tucson we can go cruising. I think it's uncanny how similar our bikes are, i actually even wanted that color but picked the green for some other reasons than personal preference.
Fly, looking at your bike another funny thing i see. I actually bought the paint when I ordered bike to paint the jug on the engine the same way you did. I'm just waiting to finish a little more port work before i paint it. I'm very impressed with the thought processes, engineering, and style of your bike.
Well as far as my post some moderator took it off himself thinking I was
trying to dig at you & I think I know which one.He seems to be the big brother here.

But Ya bud my son lives in Tucson & I love that city.I will bring my bike out & you can show me around.
Odd, I am certainly not offended by anything said on here it's a forum and opinions and comments are going to be what they are. Anyway, riding Tucson sounds like a blast, as i break mine in I will find some cool routes for when you come to town.
"Going fast" is overrated in my humble opinion. If you're a bicycle rider, "going fast" should be the last thing on your mind.

The faster you go on a bicycle, the dumber you are. That is my opinion from hard-earned experience and I'm sticking to it.

Anyone who brags about speed on this forum is a moron, as I see it. I'll call you a moron to your face if you disagree. Believe that.

(A rather unnecessary post) Everyone gets to have an opinion, but to call someone for Moron on a forum is quite rude. Agree ,high speed on a motorized bicycle does not belong in traffic, if you want to keep on with it as an interest, so is the racing track an option
You guys better watch out with your opinions on this form, for big brother
will zap you as he has me more than once.

If anyone reads my other posts it's about competing in a controlled track at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Competition breeds technology and safety advancements. If not for morons working to go faster on race tracks we would not have disc brakes, traction/stability control, anti lock brakes etc. etc. etc. And if not for someone trying to go faster on a bicycle there certainly would never have never been motors developed and bolted to them. As far as faster in traffic goes as soon as mine is "fast" enough my state allows us to install a horn, brake light, license plate and being a motor vehicle. I may do that for the novelty if nothing else.
Fly, I've never heard you say any thing that would need deleting. Have to be pretty rude and foul mouthed for deletion.

Speaking of which. I did remove someone else's post above. That would be an example. I will ask if any one deleted yours. But a while back there was a glitch and posts disappeared.

Any time you have a question like this, please let me or any staff know. Helps get it found out that much quicker, if there is any kind of problem.
Got to ride it quite a bit today. It's 4 stroking almost all the time. New motor cleaned the ports, gasket matched intake and exhaust, high compression head, the rest is stock CG kit parts. Everything seems to work right just almost constant 4 stroking. i have tried every spot on the carb needle except full lean. Plug is stock but seems ok. Messed with the air screw a lot, seems to make no difference. I am going to start trying to read what i can find on hear, any suggestions where to start would be greatly appreciated. As far as the insulting posts I was not going to reply to the comments further, I have always felt if you argue with unintelligent people no one can tell the difference.
If it,s 4 cycling at WOT than I would think the High Speed jet is too large.
You could solder it up & redrill one size smaller.But till you break it in, I
would just run it in like that.Mine is doing the same.But just too dang cold
here right now to ride.God bless AZ (WINK)

Thanks Fly! I was tuning in the wrong direction. I did a bunch of reading on it today, your recommendation looks spot on. I will work on leaning it out first chance i get. Will post results first chance i get.
Got to ride it quite a bit today. It's 4 stroking almost all the time. New motor cleaned the ports, gasket matched intake and exhaust, high compression head, the rest is stock CG kit parts. Everything seems to work right just almost constant 4 stroking. i have tried every spot on the carb needle except full lean. Plug is stock but seems ok. Messed with the air screw a lot, seems to make no difference. I am going to start trying to read what i can find on hear, any suggestions where to start would be greatly appreciated. As far as the insulting posts I was not going to reply to the comments further, I have always felt if you argue with unintelligent people no one can tell the difference.

You can also test to move the needle down a step or more