firebikes video

Nice promo clip, very, very nice bike! Sadly, I believe that the ending will turn away alot of potential customers for you.
For some reason , I couldn't open the clip. Could you transform it in .avi file or put it on you tube?
Thanks for you tube link.
I think that your products are cool looking , but targeting specific type of customers, therefore, narrowing your market. Very long bikes suits American (maybe Australian) roads , but in Europe , especially in urban conditions , it has few disadvantages (length and weight). Great look doesn't help security either - attracts unhealthy attention while left unattended (ie rider is in store ...) or catches police attention (this related to illegal amount of power - electric system).

pukomotor4.jpg picture by GRAYBORG - Photobucket • View topic - Grayborg Warp g
This costs from 1200 euro to 3500 euro(with electric system , smallest starting from 2,5 KW, LiFePO4) and it is made to fit the customer. I know that this is different type of design , but (production wise) it's not easier to fabricate.
I wish you best of luck with your bikes.