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on revolutioncycles....i ordered a 36T sprocket from his website and expected it within a week, after 3 weeks i emailed but got no reply. i posted a complaint with paypal and he refunded my money with a short cryptic message: "no space to work" .....?? so i just browse away whenever i come upon a revolutioncycle listing
6/27/08 - Ordered kit from
7/3/08 - Received kit from
7/4/08 to 7/6/08 - Worked on bicycle with a licensed mechanic and found out motor is DOA. Emailed them immediately.
7/7/08 - Got a call from Zoombicycles, saying they will see if there're any other suggestions on how to fix the motor before sending it back.
7/9/08 to 7/20/08 - Called and emailed multiple times without hearing back anything.
7/21/08 - Finally got a reply saying I need to ship it back. They will test and send out a new motor if they determine it's dead. I gotta pay for shipping.
7/22/08 - Sent via UPS.
7/25/08 - Packaged received, signed by JHON.
7/28/08 up to today 8/7/08 - No emails, no phone calls, no status updates, no info what so ever from

I'm not so sure about the people giving them thumbs up, since I certainly am not getting any support/responses from them. I'm still waiting for a working motor to be shipped to me... if it ever gets shipped.

Very poor customer service if you ask me. Maybe I'm the only one?! If so, then lucky me!?
By DOA, do you mean it was siezed? No spark? Faulty or missing gaskets? Full of cement? I agree that it shouldn't have taken as long as you state for a response, but how many of these kits as a whole have been received DOA from any of the vendors. I'm still up in the air on the subject.......china kit or just spend my money on a complete whizzer.
It's seized. It would pretty much not turn at all. I'm regretting buying from someone outside United States, as these guys are in Canada...
I called and emailed them on multiple occasions. I AM giving them the chance to fix it still, but refer to my time line (bottom of page 4), it's been a LONG time. They took almost 2 weeks before telling me I have to ship it back on my dime. They've received it for two weeks now and haven't mailed out a new motor.

I think that means they dropped the ball? Sorry, this makes a bad experience for a noob.
Sorry, I'm no mechanic so I have no idea. But basically the small sprocket in the motor where the chain goes thru is stuck. My bro-in-law, the mechanic, originally thought it was compression, but after taking out the spark plug, it's still stuck. He did take it apart but said the thing pretty much seized up. He did say it's just a simple motor, but something is stuck good inside... I think he said it was the clutch? But at least he's a mechanic, and knows what he's talking about. And still no replies as of today (8/8/08).

I'll consider emailing them the link and filing with ripoff Thanks for the suggestions!
Sorry, I'm no mechanic so I have no idea. But basically the small sprocket in the motor where the chain goes thru is stuck. My bro-in-law, the mechanic, originally thought it was compression, but after taking out the spark plug, it's still stuck. He did take it apart but said the thing pretty much seized up. He did say it's just a simple motor, but something is stuck good inside... I think he said it was the clutch? But at least he's a mechanic, and knows what he's talking about. And still no replies as of today (8/8/08).

I'll consider emailing them the link and filing with ripoff Thanks for the suggestions!

I've bought a couple of kits from Zoom and they were fine. One thing they do say is (It's in the instructions) is that the sprocket may not want to turn and you need to use a screwdriver or other prying device to turn it initially. Mine were like that and I panicked on the first one till I tried their method. After a few turns it loosened up and worked great. Might not be what you had but this is from my experience with Zoom. I'd buy from them again.
"the California Kid" has a Zoombicycles engine and so far its been fine so I haven't needed any help. Of intrest Kings Motor Bikes & Zoombicycles have the same address in Canada. Walter F.
Well I'm a big fan of Thatsdax. I've bought 4 motors from him 1-50cc, 2-70ccs and a Titan. Customer service has been A#1 all the way. That's probably why he's so darn busy, business is good.

I have a friend who bought a Deminsion Edge 35 cc mitusbishi friction kit on a Dahon folding bike. The owner seems to lack PR skills but his son was most helpful and delt with me even though I did not buy his bike, I just helped build it. I ride that bike on occasion and I love it, it just gets stronger every day. Just a bit out of my price range, but I wouldn't mind having one.
Chris Hill, CH-80 Kit

I've nothing but good words to say about Chris, his engines and kits. Everything was in perfect condition even after the U.S Mail bounced it around. The box was crushed but the contents were uneffected. Everything went together easily and the engine started on the second pull through on a rear wheel stand. My inexperience caused me a little problem with the clutch, (makes me wonder if ATAGENT didn't have the same problem) But Chris patiently explained by phone that the clutch could not be disengaged by hand. After solving that small situation I was on the road in less than six hours labor. The engine is strong, quiet and runs surprisingly smooth for a 2 cycle. Like all of these engines it could use some work on the clutch actuating system design but that's something I can live with for a while. I'm looking at a second bike and will certainly consider Chris Hill to supply the engine.

"So many bicycles...So little time..."
Update - Horrible Experience with

Any update???

Sorry, I went to watch the Olympics and left this project behind for a little while. The games were great to watch live, by the way!

Anyway, back to Zoom Bicycles!

*Too Many Projects* - Yes, I read and re-read all the instructions, even before the kit ever arrived. Yeah, I'm one of those... Anyway, we tried many methods of trying to loosen that sprocket up. Oiled it, screw driver, wrench, install the chain and tried riding the bike, etc. Nothing worked.


So basically I had to pay to ship the motor back. That was before the Olympics. After I came back, I contacted them and finally got John to call me. He said someone signed it but most likely it wasn't him. The motor might have ended up in someone else's warehouse. Whatever. Few days later, I get an email saying they are sending another motor to me.

Yipee!!! Oh... Not so fast...

Got the new motor, so I immediately brought it to my brother-in-law, the mechanic. Guess what...?

The new motor is dead -- same issue. He tried everything again with the small sprocket and nothing happens. It's stuck, not turning at all. With wrench, screw driver, WD-40, putting the chain on and trying to ride it... Darn thing won't turn at all. Per the licensed mechanic brother-in-law, he said chances are the entire shipment they received are defective, if they sent a new motor at all!!!!

So I emailed Zoom Bicycles, and of course, no replies yet!

Frustrated? I originally got this in July from my friend as my birthday present, and I'm telling my friend to dispute with the credit card company. This is ridiculous. I'm not paying another $30 to ship back the motor and pray to get a working motor!!!

My suggestion -- Find a place from within the USA (unless you're in Canada) and buy from them. You'll have a better fighting chance to dispute with that company!!!!!

Terrible terrible experience for a newbie. Thank goodness gas prices are going back down, but I still would've wanted a motorized bicycle!!!
Off to Australia now. I live in Perth Western Australia, around 3000 miles from the Eastern states.

Bought my 66cc motor from eBay My World - motawizza , turnaround time from order was around 2 weeks, great service and, as usual, the instructions were useless. The lower gasket under the cylinder block was rotated 90 degrees and blew fuel all over the place. Other than that it worked just fine.

For parts, I bought clutch pucks from eBay My World - motawizza. They arrived the same week, slightly over sized but easily sanded down to fit. I enquired about a spare flower nut and he threw one in for nothing (albeit secondhand) still better than the one I had on the machine.
Hey Walter F,

Yes, licensed mechanic, aka brother-in-law, took the cover off, tried turning it, and it's stuck on good. Like I said, oiled it, used screw driver, wrench, then put it back together, put on the chain, tried riding it, and the bike wouldn't even move more than 2 feet.

You're right, each motor seems like snowflakes. After working on the first one and modifying my bike/buying different bolts so the motor would fit on my bike, the second motor is somewhat different! The bolts wouldn't fit the same modification I made the last time! Have to go back to the drawing board?!

After all the frustration, I'm starting to gear towards giving in a buying a scooter instead!

Emailed and finally got a reply from John. He sent over a parts diagram that indicated how to dissect the motor, which is exactly what I had to do this weekend.

My bro-in-law the mechanic and I worked on the motor all afternoon on Saturday. We took apart the motor and oiled pretty much each component. It took a while and a lot of energy, however, you should've seen my smile when the motor came alive!!!! :D

I'm surprise it took soooo much work to get the motor to work. That sprocket/clutch should not be that stuck. Was it just constructed poorly or just terribly banged up during shipment?!

I am glad John made some helpful suggestions, but honestly, if you're not keen with motors, such as myself, you're better off paying someone to install it for you because it is just that difficult!!!!

Side note: previous I saw some guy selling the kit on Craigslist for ~$100. I did contact him asking why he's selling, and he said he just can't get it installed and working. So certainly I don't think installing this motor is easy and can be done within 3 hours unless you've done it before or are a gear head!!!

5.0/10 for Zoombicycles for finally responding and being kinda helpful. It should've have taken this long to get some customer service.

Now on to tweaking the bike so the engine will run smoothly! :ride2:
Who did you get your kit from ? LiveFastMotors on eBay

Was it shipped in a timely manner? Took 2 weeks to get to me, it was shipped 5 days after the order was placed and paid for. I was waiting on pins and needles wanting to get it installed whilst I watched the summer fade into fall.

Was the kit complete and boxed right? yes. There was no item list in box, so I assumed there would be mounting nuts and bolts for the sprocket, The kit didn't come with that but LFM offered me a 44 tooth sprocket (kit came with a 48) for the cost of shipping. Everything was shipped and sent before I had confirmed payment via paypal. I received that in 2 days!

the bargain basement kit comes with some standard items that will need upgrading- clutch handle (seriously does anyone run one of these crappy handles- thing feels like it's going to pop open at any time), 5 hole sprocket, throttle and muffler.

Did you receive good friendly service? Yes, see above, they bought a long time customer through the service.

Did you have any problem's, did the dealer take care of your problems? see above yes

What motor did you get? Is it what you thought it would be? I bought what was advertised on eBay as a 55cc. The box was labeled 70 and the engine has a label that says 88cc. I assume it is a 48 or 49cc. the engine has that hole in the side wall of the head but runs fantastic. It was covered in a yellowish film, that when I sprayed it with carb cleaner and Mrs Meyers (clean fresh scent) it washed right off. Also the magneto, clutch and other covered were a very dull gray aluminum. I was able to polish them pretty easily, with my dremel. The metal does not polish evenly though, metal has different densities...

Any advice for a newbie looking for a dealer?
If you want a cheap engine backed by excellent customer service LFM is great. I think it's a great motor for getting into this hobby. When I'm deeper in I'll consider getting a "better" motor. But I'm very happy with this bargain basement motor. I'll report back when I have more miles on the engine.
I have a few of those livefast ecocnomotors....the clutch handles are junk fo'sho'... But you can just use a regular brake lever as a replacement. I replaced the sprockets, some folks get them to work nicely....

As for the measurement, the "88Cm2" thing on the side there is a funky way of measuring 55cc believe it or not. yep, 55cc's.
I have had real good results with the round head 48 cc motor.

I saw one on ebay from this seller eBay Feedback Profile for rawpowerusa

It came from here RAW 48/50cc bicycle engine kits EPA Certified

I bought the motor on 10-14-08.

On 10-15-08 they shipped the motor and emailed me a tracking #.

Got the motor on 10-21-08 from FedEx.

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The vendor that I purchased a 47.7cc kit was A2ZONLINEDEALS or RAWPOWERUSA. This was my first foray into buying and building a motorized bike, so I went into it quite blind. My Ebay purchase was quick. My choice of vendors, as always, is based on who has the most technically clear advertisement and most reasonably priced product. But we all know that a savvy seller can copy anything from various sources and come across as good.

Admittedly, at the end of my build, well over a month had passed due to delays caused by all the typical stuff in a first-time build. Needless to say, I expected a hard time from the seller.

Well, I explained the situation to Andrew and he notified me the following evening that he would be sending me a replacement engine which I later got in good time.

This is a good guy who stands behind his guarantee regardless of contractual fine print. More in-line with the service that I have come to expect from a huge vendor like Newegg.

I am already eyeing-up another bike for a motor kit and I will definitely purchase the kit from Andrew at A2Z on Ebay. This is my highest complement.

It is rare that I take precious time out of my busy schedule to compose a testimony like this, but sometimes outstanding service must be praised and recognized as such by others.

ThatsDax - I had heard you guys rave about this guy for so long that when I saw the deal about the $49 grab bag motors, I bit, result found Grady to be a man of few words but action-had the motor in a week, delivered on a Sat. by FedEx, arrived in excellent shape no damage. I plan to use this motor as an educational tool for my self and a buddy, tear it down all the way and have a look at the innards of a China Girl. It doesn't matter if the engine ever runs or not as with every thing removed from inside it makes a light "dummy" engine for new builds and gives me a nice parts inventory.

I will now follow the shape of my head and get to the point, I don't know the history of this little engine, but it has had a hard life. The clutch pucks are burnt up, the top of the piston is black, built up with carbon as is the combustion chamber, numerous rounded nuts, screws too short, scars, scratches & scrapes all in all kind of a mess but fixable.

Now it my understanding that these are returned engines, warranty or for what ever-----DAX TOOK THIS ENGINE BACK, I think that says volumes about this company. I wouldn't recommend buying a grab bag engine for a rookies first build because all you get is the engine & intake manifold Nothing else not even a spark plug. But my little engine now has a happy home, I think when I put it back together I'll stamp the serial number X-1 on it.

ThatsDax=Home Run Happy Hills & Trails Walter F.