Its a pain in the rear but you might take the clutch apart and make sure the shoes arnt bound up in the hub. Ya... Ya have to disassemble the trans to do it but then you'll know before you go buying a new clutch. ( and mabey have the same problem ) They come apart really easy. The trouble is getting them back togather as you have to really compress the spring under the bolt to engage the threads on the carrier hub. I destroyed my original clutch by attempting re assembly, and cross threading the bolt and stripping out the threads...
Here's what I did next. I set the hub in a vice and started reassembly as before but this time I used a small nut to take up space in the socket to make sure the dang bolt was really in contact with the hub threads and not just floating up and down in the socket free space. Worked a treat
Each shoe has two little indexing pins that sink into the hub. if they are corroded or have shmutz in em making them bind they will never engage the bell. ( also its a great time to do cobrafreak's bearing mod if ya feels like it ) PS: Your ride is BAD A$$ !!!