Felt Torch. To motorize; or not to motorize?


Well-Known Member
That is the question. Picked this up this morning. Been watching it on the local C.L. for bout a month. Started at $600 this morning he dropped it to $400 and I SNAGGED IT! Same dude I bought the Chief from too!. First one I have seen for sale. They show up a lot on ebay Germany but not around here... For now it stays a pedal bike for excersizing my bulldog puppy. But Im thinking down the road a hub drive electric with twin bottle battery's on the seat stays painted to match ( mit flames) It already has a S.A 70mm front drum brake too! Has some scratches and skuffs but hey! Its a rare and semi sexy Felt Chopper. :) .flg.


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I have a Felt Bandit. Mine is running 24x3 tires front and rear with a 3 speed. When I got it my intentions were to motor it. After riding it a while, I fell in love with it. It is my #1 rider. I have thought many times about dropping my Whizzer drivetrain in it.

Here is mine:

They are great bicycles! Whatever you decide, you will enjoy that bike.
OOF TA! Nice one Highway! Can we get a better side shot showing off how the shorter but thicker front wheel looks? Took Luna for a jog this morning with the bike. She had it down after about 5 blocks worth. Only a few corrections and she LOVED IT. Been thinking more about electrifying it. Was gona electrify the Cycle-Truck first but this is funer to ride :)
Sweet!!! (^)

There's a reason they don't come up for sale very often... They are very collectible & will keep their value! (if you don't mess it up). :-{
OOF TA! Nice one Highway! Can we get a better side shot showing off how the shorter but thicker front wheel looks? Took Luna for a jog this morning with the bike. She had it down after about 5 blocks worth. Only a few corrections and she LOVED IT. Been thinking more about electrifying it. Was gona electrify the Cycle-Truck first but this is funer to ride :)

Here you go:

The bike also has Felts 3pc crank with Felt Back Pedals. The only parts that are not made by Felt are the seat and suspension seat post.

I would keep it the way it is. If you want a motored chopper, pick up a Nirve. They are not near as rare.
THANKS HIGHWAY! That looks HOT! Did you find a big difference with the seatpost ? Worth the $ Denero? Norm: Its got a bunch of little scrapes and scratches some noticeable and some not. Its been used well. I wont do anything to it that cant be undone back to stock. Wish I had some touch up paint. The last time I email'd Felt to ask it they had any ( for the Chief) never got a reply. EDIT: The fake chrome on the hand grips is all rubbed off and looks like crapola. Anybody got a source for replacement Sturmey Archer 3 speed hand grips?
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Yeah, the seat post does its job. The seat swivels a tiny bit when pedaling too. Not very much at all. As odd as it sounds, it makes for a very comfy ride.

The best part about the fat tires is that they make it really easy to ride in sand. I take this one out on the beach all of the time.

Again, congrats on the killer deal!
That is the question. Picked this up this morning. Been watching it on the local C.L. for bout a month. Started at $600 this morning he dropped it to $400 and I SNAGGED IT! Same dude I bought the Chief from too!. First one I have seen for sale. They show up a lot on ebay Germany but not around here... For now it stays a pedal bike for excersizing my bulldog puppy. But Im thinking down the road a hub drive electric with twin bottle battery's on the seat stays painted to match ( mit flames) It already has a S.A 70mm front drum brake too! Has some scratches and skuffs but hey! Its a rare and semi sexy Felt Chopper. :) .flg.

Everything gets a motor from now on.....give me a pair of roller skates, I'll motorize them :D

4-Stroke chopper!(c)
HEE HEE ! I'd love to do a hybrid 4 stroke / electric but Im thinking more and more bout a pure electric drive for this one. That way if I ride it to work I can take it right inside to the office for security reasons. Crystal light hub at 72v and a battery in saddle bags or a bag on a sissy bar.
What if there is a power outage and you can't charge it, I think a hybrid with both fuel and elect engines would be to yer advantage, don't see to many in a hybrid Dennis Hopper Choppers.