The whole page was a great read! Thanks! Strangely the Lifan FD weighs about what the Anzani unit did in the low 20lb range. The advantage of the Anzani is the lower engine. The specs are right in line with what you are wanting to build LII.
Center the build around a 3" roller, its a very efficient size. I don't know what ccs your regs. will allow. 50cc would work well. Also the newer 4stroke weedies are a good choice if you are required to have engines in the 30cc range. If you can design the driven shaft to mimic an engines crankshaft ie an internally threaded 5/8 shaft. You can use the cheap and easy roller design which allows the less than a minute roller changes. This allows for experimentation to optimize ratios, speeds, and have rollers for different conditions. Only tools need for roller fabrication are hole saws, a drill bit for the shaft size, and a drill.(drill press is better).