Exhaust leaking black oily gook

Norman, if you can make me a gasket that would keep oily gook from leaking, and it fits correctly, I'll buy a couple depending on what price you decide on.
I tried the ford gasket, but it wasn't the right size; I tried cutting it but it I ripped it in the process.
PM me your address Seattlemike I'll send you a gasket and you can send me $1.00 that should cover the shipping and the price of a gasket envelope etc.. It will be a stock sized gasket if you want to match it to your exhaust use a dremel sanding drum to open it up to match your exhaust/muffler flange. I'm out in the shop now making you a couple of gaskets.
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Hi, I just got home with that Ford EGR gasket that Fairacing suggested. It's not as thick as I had hoped for but EGRs can get very hot so we will see. I was just wondering if I should cut out the center a little as it seems a little small. I would rather not as this will make the gasket very skimpy and fragile. What do you think?
Try it as is, if it seems to detract from performance, cut it open a little. You can laways get another.
I could make you a good one for a small fee. (evil background laughter and the Rufus is banging the bars on the flying monkeys cage)rotfl
Very odd, my post in answer to bikeguyjoe is gone, anyways....Mike is correct, I just finished putting it together and I had to enlarge the two bolt holes on the inner edge but just a very tiny amount. Yes it is made out of metal but I used side snips/side cutters.
I left the centre like you said bikeguy joe because it really is hard to cut.
On the brighter side, I like the fact that it is metal. The perforations will compress into place and this may last for awhile. Also sanded down my rusty muffler and gave it a nice flat black paint job with BBQ paint.
Went out for a ride and remembered that I had food on the stove. Gasket is great so far but the paint on the muffler stinks a bit. Hope this goes away. So far so good.
I dont know why you guy's are having so much trouble, it works for me just fine. I've used a chevy gasket and a ford gasket with no problems. I'll post some pic's when I have time and if I can I'll make a video for youtube to show you.
Went out for a ride and remembered that I had food on the stove. Gasket is great so far but the paint on the muffler stinks a bit. Hope this goes away. So far so good.

In my experience the paint will burn off only to the muffler itself (and leave a nice grey patina) and the rest will bake on and quit smelling after a few miles.
On the petrol smell problem..

The issue is probably the length of the exhaust - there is a reason why motorbike pipes exhaust right at the back of the machine - it means the rider doesnt get covered in fumes and other enginey delights..

The only machines I have ever seen that dont have long pipes are the machines from the 1900s which were pure performance bikes such as some of the boardracers.

The problem is easily solvable - a length of heat resistant piping running down and secured under the crank and along one of the frame supports so the fumes exit aft of the driver should solve that..

jemma xx
Keep in mind with two stroke engines, the longer the exhaust after the muffler, the more top end performance you will lose.
I had the same problem so hears what i did.Go to an auto parts store and buy a set of Mr gasket header gaskets and cut a new one from that ,there is enough material there to make a life time supply