Hi all. I love cycling, but now I'm 12miles from work and needing an engine kit. I really REALLY like the Staton chain drive, from the pics and info I've researched. I'm a hundred bucks short of the kit, so I'm almost there!
From this site, what I need is direction to as many threads/posts from both Staton chain drive owners and first-hand accounts as far as power, speed, and reliability... IOWs, 'reviews'. I can't seem to find many.
So, the pain at the pump has me down, but has also lit a fire under my ass as far as adapting to this energy crime against US citizens. Added to my joy of biking, motorizing my bike might be a very enjoyable and fun personal revolt against the gas crisis... Right now, gas is hovering between 4.11 and 4.17 in town. I expect it to be at or above $5 before summer's end. Personally, I WILL NOT pay more than the current price for very much longer for my CAR. I will however pay that rate for the kind of gas mileage we're getting from motorized bikes.
This is personal for me. I'm taking myself off the 'hook' and will not remain caught by this gasoline bs any longer. So, with my career and social obligations, this will be kind of tricky for me. The more reviews I can find for Staton chain drives, the more secure I'll feel about going this way.
I know about frictions drives, and in Kentucky, it rains often.
I don't like the idea of a plastic ring snapped to my spokes.
I don't like bolt-on sprockets attached TO my spokes.
I don't like belts.
I like the left-hand freewheel sprocket and gears in case I wanna pedal, and I like the superior engines that Staton offers.
Thanks for taking time to read, and I appreciate the links beforehand.
From this site, what I need is direction to as many threads/posts from both Staton chain drive owners and first-hand accounts as far as power, speed, and reliability... IOWs, 'reviews'. I can't seem to find many.
So, the pain at the pump has me down, but has also lit a fire under my ass as far as adapting to this energy crime against US citizens. Added to my joy of biking, motorizing my bike might be a very enjoyable and fun personal revolt against the gas crisis... Right now, gas is hovering between 4.11 and 4.17 in town. I expect it to be at or above $5 before summer's end. Personally, I WILL NOT pay more than the current price for very much longer for my CAR. I will however pay that rate for the kind of gas mileage we're getting from motorized bikes.
This is personal for me. I'm taking myself off the 'hook' and will not remain caught by this gasoline bs any longer. So, with my career and social obligations, this will be kind of tricky for me. The more reviews I can find for Staton chain drives, the more secure I'll feel about going this way.
I know about frictions drives, and in Kentucky, it rains often.
I don't like the idea of a plastic ring snapped to my spokes.
I don't like bolt-on sprockets attached TO my spokes.
I don't like belts.
I like the left-hand freewheel sprocket and gears in case I wanna pedal, and I like the superior engines that Staton offers.
Thanks for taking time to read, and I appreciate the links beforehand.
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