Engine stalls when Idling

So my saga continues!

I cleaned the carb twice put on new seals. sealed up the carb as per Norms instructions the e-clip on the needle was already on the second slot from the top, Put in a champion spark plug set the gap,

I started it and spayed WD40 on the intake and the joint the joins the two peaces together and NO vapor leak!

So I rode it for a while and when, I stopped the idle was low and sounded like it was going to stall, I turned the idle screw in it made the idle higher drove it again but it stated to idle low again, so them I moved the adjuster on top of the carb (holding the slide up) test drove again and adjusted the idle this seemed to help.

Tested a little more it still seemed ok, Checked on more time with WD40 for vapor leaks everything was still good.

Now for my two questions

So I am thinking that I need to moved the eclip down a notch this will move the slide up

And will it be ok to ride the bike to work tomorrow (14 miles in total) in its present state?


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No, it won't move the slide up, it holds the needle higher on the slide.

I think what is happening is that the idle speed screw is backing out. Put a drop of medium strength loctite or nail polish/paint on it.
you missing the spring on the idle adjusting screw or is it weak allowing the idle screw to back off?
the spring is still there, and it does not seem to be backing off, Do you think the taper is wrong on the needle? I left it alone because the bike seems to perform well.


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While looking at the idle screw photo i noticed a hairline crack on the carb could this be the culprit?


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Ok so as many of you know I have been chasing a very small vapor leak. After sealing up the cracks in my carb, which i could only find via my digital camera a=and photo shop and lot of evidence that someone tryed to fix it before i even owned it. I wil post pics when I have more time

Just venting a little:D

Any way I think it's fixed but now it is Idling high, I have to screw the idle screw all the way in so i think that i need to adjust the e clip down one notch.

I am 100 feet above sea level and it is on the second from the top.

Yes i did test wiht wd40 and it deos not stall,
Just one question when you say bog down you mean the idle would change and almost stall?

By the way the bike feels completely different lots more power.(^)


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Sound like you need to turn the idle screw out A LITTLE AT A TIME until the idle drops back to normal...
as long as it is tight to the engine not to worry it will run out of level... As my friend once said what do you think happens when it goes up and down hill. It isn't level then either.
Slide in right? Sometimes they bind....I think you can get it in backwards too, but it would seem to me that it would idle really high then.
Ok so I check the slide and the cable for smooth operation all looks good,

Take her out for a test run.

At first the idle is high, I adjust the idle screw out wait a few seconds levels off but the old problem returns Idles out and dies.:-{

Disconnect the kill switch no difference.

I spray WD40 on all connections, when i spray the gasket that connects the engine to the intake idle picks up! I am very mixed up I thought that the idle is sopsed to die down? could I have put too much oil in my mix las time i filled up my gallon tank?
so may questions and no answers.

I still think it is a vapor leak but... I cannot see the forest from the trees any more.(?)

I will not use the bike to ride to work until I am sure that this problem is resolved.

AT least Tuesday is Canada day so no work(^)
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Hmmmm....When I spray WD40 to look for vacuum leaks...and I have one...the RPM goes up not down. I think you have a vacuum leak there marc.
after taking my carb off and on several times in the very beginning I damaged that same gasket. How is anyones guess. Maybe it just wiggles when you connect the carb to the pipe. I know yoiu must have checked the nuts on that intake. I not I would tighten those before I replaced the gasket. I cut that gasket from a cereal box. That was several months ago and it works just fine.