Engine just died!!!!

well i got the new wire andcap on and tried it with both plugs with no results i guess it on to the Cdi that may take a few days seeing that i'm gonna have to order it
Thought I would post this for a reminder, Normans Homemade spark tester. Simple and easy to make.


Norman, I love this! I really do! It's so easy to make, and serves the purpose so well. I'm gonna make one too. This beats the ever-lovin' crap out of licking my thumb and forefinger and "copping a feel" on my block as it shocks the bejesus out of me to let me know that, YES, it is live.
I've experienced an "all of a sudden, dead" engine three times. Twice, the mag had gotten wet during operation, and one time was a new engine, ridden maybe 10 times, and the mag just died, for no reason at all.

If there is electrical difficulties, in my experience, it's the mag. Cheap and easy fix to replace anyways, so it's a good place to start. (Just my opinion, not professional)
It's also been my experience that the mag is usually to blame... (Not the CDI)

Korn, how do u have the kill button wired up?
When you have a dead magneto coil. Check the ground wire, the wire coming out of the coil
make sure it is still soldered to the mag frame. It will be a small wire by the blue wire lug, it comes out of the coil.
Another place is the #36 wire that is attached to the blue wire lug. Under the I guess its fiberglass
crap that covers the winding. That wire is known for breaking.
You won't be able to check these unless you unwind the coil. I'll tell you up front you will destroy the 36 gauge wire if you try to unwind it.
There is only 2 other places for it to come unsoldered where the 26 gauge wire attaches to the 36 and the start of the 26 gauge wire on the very bottom of all the windings. It attaches to the white wire lug.
There is another thing and that is the wire breaking or shorting out it can happen anywhere in the 36 gauge wire or 26 gauge wire. Check the soldered lugs on the blue, white, and ground going to the cdi all of these can break or fail.