Electric Revival

Go ahead Paul, I just ordered 2 more. Red this time, they didn't have blue anymore. Really perfect for ebikes and the wide voltage ranges they run on.

Sunlight does wash it out, but shading it with your hand makes it easily readable. And it rocks at night!

Started charging at 10 last night and got up to check it and turned it off at 5 this morning. All BMS led's were lit which means I put less than 14 amp hours in it.
Electric Revive is done!


My first ebike, but not my last - :)

Going to the grocery store today and I'm gonna fill the basket full. Basket test!

Even looks good with the basket on. And this basket is big enough to carry some serious stuff. And won't rip my braze ons out - :)

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that is one good looking electric bike. i think the magic pie on them ad to the looks. you did a really nice job mike!

I enjoyed this immensly. It was pretty easy and straight forward. I needed to redo the headlight bracket and the basket mount stuff, but that was the only "backpedalling" required. I think I had more time into getting the happy time mounted right than I did on this whole bike.

Yes, I think the magic pie hub motor is the best for these ebikes. Looks good, self contained, direct drive, no transmission.

I will start a milage record today. I will record the odometer and the voltmeter readings for each ride and we will see how many miles are in the battery. Not going to just run constantly until the batt dies. Tryed that yesterday and got a sunburn - :)
Grocery Run

Passed the test.


A gallon of V8, a quart of spagetti sauce, 2 sandwiches and a sweet onion. Fifteen pounds on the store scale. Easy. The bike was even more stable with those 15 pounds on the front wheel - :)

Milage chart (will be updated)

Miles Volts
6.6 53.2
8.4 52.7
10.8 52.7
20.4 52.4
22.8 52.3
28.3 51.6
32.2 51.2
36.0 49.8 Fini, batt all gone loaded voltage when it started to sputter 48.8 volts
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Finishing Touches


Added a little top tube bag, fits perfect. Thinking about one of those CO2 inflators in case of flats.

Put a ring-ding bell on the bars in case I have to warn folks that my silent ebike is coming - :)

And most important, the U-Lock under the seat. That worked out great. I sat down along that bike for a long time and got frustrated with trying to work out a mount location. To my delight I found that the thing just sits there perfectly, no mount needed. That was cool - :)

Up to 32 miles now, how long will it go?

Dunno, but I will before the weekend is over - :)

And the answer is 36 miles. About 75% full on cruise set the rest half throttle (slow cruise the hood)

The controller shuts down when the battery is 3 volts/cell. Cool, you will never damage the battery by drawing down too far. Put it on the charger at 1:30. We will see how long it takes to put a full charge on.
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All charged up. 7 hours and 15 minutes when the charger went green, 14/16 BMS lights lit. 86 degrees here at 9:00, twilight.

Nite Ride!