Electric Bicycles: A Guide to Design and Use (IEEE Press Series on Electronics Technology) (9780471674191): William C. Morchin, Henry Oman: Books
Gets good reviews and has lots of info to help you with your limited range and fear of burning coal issues .
considering iv'e worked in shops that specialize in sales and service of electric bicycles, i'd like to think i'm aware of their ups n downs, and there limited range is a legitimate turn off to many customers, which is why the 50cc and up scooters that cost more and ran on gas still sold more, people didn't like the idea of not being able to go as far as they wanted in 1 try, sure you can add extra batteries but it's still a hassle, and even then the range is still limited to how far you can travel with out being able to sit around for a few hours while they charge.
the speed difference wasn't even a concern to most people who came in looking for efficient transportation, and i love how you're playing off the coal thing likes its not significant, for as great as china is they can't come up with a better solution? i mean their ebikes are amazing aren't they?
heres another thing, the places where your talking about i'm guessing are some of chinas HUGE cities, i doubt rural china is running ebikes everywhere. and thats ok for china, because in city a limited range of 20miles per charge is probably just fine, but what do they have for when they want to travel out of city? something that again america doesn't have, a massive train network.