E-bikes have no soul

if it aint suckin' air and sh!ttin' fire it aint got no SOUL! I dont care what ya all say! BWWWAAAhahaha........no really truth be known I wouldnt mind having one of each you know a low riding rat beach cruiser for looking cool and major pimp daddy-ing and an uptight business like get to work e-bike...
I've never heard of an electric motor suckin' air. However, if you overvolt an electric motor by 24 volts or so, it will produce plenty of sparks and belch plenty of smoke. Just ask Deacon.
I've got one on my list.

Already got parts for it too. It ain't gonna have pedals, but it's gonna be street legal in CA

•Section 406(a) VC refers to a moped or motorized bicycle as any two or three wheeled device having fully operative pedals for propulsion by human power, or having no pedals if powered solely by electrical energy, has an automatic transmission, and a motor which produces less than 2 gross brake horsepower and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not more than 30 miles per hour on level ground.

It's a mini bike frame I got off ebay. Also have controller, batteries, motor (2 HP series wound DC winch motor) and a bunch of other stuff.

This is gonna need some serious fabrication though and a lotta torch work. I am waiting for cooler weather.
LOL, I think I first read/heard this here. Some thing about once the smoke gets out of the wires, ya just can't put it back in.
Long time ago my brother took the electric motor out of a Marks-A-Cart toy electric car we had most tired of. A bigger battery and on a 24inch bike frame it went. Back then in the 70's the type of batteries were not as good. It was interesting, but I am getting closer to having my 3hp Briggs climbing dirt trails and hills.

Any hybrids? I have room to slip another pulley on the jack shaft to add a 60amp alternator, but then I still have to carry a battery. What would this be used for?

Helping the e-biker:)

Measure Twice
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This is very closely related to that one Dan.
Have you ever heard of Lucas Electrics?
Lucas, the Prince of Darkness

You come up with some great stuff GN!

Had a buddy from London. We sailed together on the biggest American flag sailing ship, still sailing. (then, it was owned by Dominoes pizza) but any way I asked him why the English drink warm beer. With out looking over he said;

"'cause Lucas makes refrigerators" lololol!

I had thought he said "lister" but we were drinking and Lord knows. LOL

We were in the world trade towers in NYC at the time. Lost touch with him but always wanted to ask him about... dunno

We had a grand old time, got kicked out of a bar, started a fight and met a very accommodating lady. Just one of those memorable times from a well spent youth