Down and Dirty cable end

Yer "down and dirty" cable end is great - but I wanted to say I have that exact same 'Dremel Stylus' and I've beat the snot outa it for over three years now - it's only just starting to squeak a lil.

Maybe cause I've had smoke pouring out of it a few times now? Naw... couldn't be the abuse I've put it through lol

I too find I use it alla time instead of a hacksaw or w/e - it is an AWESOME toy, prolly couldn't have built my bike w/o it :D
My rotary tool is called a Job mate however I have over 200.00 worth of Dremol attachments for it.When I bought it I thought I'd only be using it once or twice but ended up using it 9 times alreadycvlt1
Hi Norman, Nice plane is that a KR-2? I'm an aviation nut myself. I recently earned my A&P and once I find regular aircraft maint. work I plan to finish my pilot's license.

I also saw on your site "how to make a headlight", about a month ago I made one EXACTLY like that. It kind of blew my mind a little to see it on your site. :o
Yeeeee haaaaa I just finished making Norms cable end and it is beeeeuuuutiful.My tap hole is a little off center but still works great! It just so happens that I already had set screws just the right size.Was taught how to tap over 30 years ago. Here is a tip that is importent;once you get the tap cutting,-for every 1/4 turn,go one turn back so fillings dont build up and turn theading action to mush.and oh yes dont forget the cutting oil. Rigid nu-clear thread cutting oil is the best[mineral oil]

Hey Norman! That's a mighty fine looking Ultra Classic you got there.
If only they got the same gas mileage as an MB, eh?
I made that today; but I drilled 1/16 cable hole since my cable is 3/64. 5/64 is a little big-worried that set screw wont grab it all. cable end that fits my throttle is 7/32 so after i was done i ground 1/4" dowm to 7/32 thanks again norm im gonna make some more before i put my tools away...............maybe
I just stumbled across all this your making me blush!
Poor ol Rufus lost his brother back on 7-7-09. Rufus is now slowing down he is 18 so I don't know
how long he's going to be around to help, I hope for a lot longer as he's over seeing me type this right now.
Good to hear that my screwing around is helping out. You know whats funny is I was told at work
before I retired that I didn't/wouldn't help people by my boss( big friggin worm) in a performance review, my response to that was well let me say it was sort of like this BULL SHIRT.
Nice work Norman .I carry around a pop rivet with the nail punched out for the inevitable throttle cable end coming off at the carb end. I just crimp it on the end till I get home to silver solder it.