
I guess your to busy parting and spending all your parents money on Beer and Pot
Get a Part Time job or stop buying Beer and Pot to buy your M/B parts.

Your gonna end up living in your parents basement just like all the other collage grads with that attitude.
Surprise, that high paying job you think your gonna get isn't gonna be there. Your going to have to climb the ladder just like everyone else and start at the bottom with an entry level salary
You'll probably end up not working at what ya went to collage for anyways.

I bet your the kind of kid who got a trophy just for showing up.
Awwww, give the kid a break, he isn't even old enough to buy beer or pot yet. Give him a chance, I'm sure he has some skills that he could turn into cash if he tries.
Sorry... I saw this & had to post it. :P

Awwww, give the kid a break, he isn't even old enough to buy beer or pot yet. Give him a chance, I'm sure he has some skills that he could turn into cash if he tries.
OOPS My BAD I thought he was going to collage
Yea right, H.S. is where kids learn not to drink or try pot :rolleyes:

He can always go sell his blood when he's 18 and make a few $ that way. $Easy Money$
As long as he can pass their Drug Test

The Kid don't have any pride. That's what's wrong with this younger generation they all want a hand out. The freeloader should just go collect some aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
It's like going to work for yourself and being your own Boss.

But I'm sure the freeloader had an excuse of why he can't do that either
OOPS My BAD I thought he was going to collage
Yea right, H.S. is where kids learn not to drink or try pot :rolleyes:

He can always go sell his blood when he's 18 and make a few $ that way. $Easy Money$
As long as he can pass their Drug Test

The Kid don't have any pride. That's what's wrong with this younger generation they all want a hand out. The freeloader should just go collect some aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
It's like going to work for yourself and being your own Boss.

But I'm sure the freeloader had an excuse of why he can't do that either
I don't know man, when you were 17 did you never go to a party and drink beer? Were you 21 the first time you got drunk? Did you never try smoking pot in high school? If you didn't do any of these things then you kinda missed out on a part of being a teenager and growing up. I'm not saying teens should go drink and smoke pot or do hard drugs or anything else, but part of growing up is stepping over boundaries and sometimes making bad choices and learning from your mistakes. This is what people called learning how to engage in social interaction with your peers back when I was young. I guess today, they learn social interaction on social media which does not really help them develop any social skills at all.
I guess your to busy parting and spending all your parents money on Beer and Pot
Get a Part Time job or stop buying Beer and Pot to buy your M/B parts.

Your gonna end up living in your parents basement just like all the other collage grads with that attitude.
Surprise, that high paying job you think your gonna get isn't gonna be there. Your going to have to climb the ladder just like everyone else and start at the bottom with an entry level salary
You'll probably end up not working at what ya went to collage for anyways.

I bet your the kind of kid who got a trophy just for showing up.

what are you talking about I'd don't even smoke in don't know why your assuming that that I smoke pot a drink beer remember "WHEN PEOPLE LIKE YOU ASSUME THEY MAKE AN ASS OUT OF U AND ME just letting you know i think i am doing pretty well over all so stop being a dickhead about it so then stop assuming and guess what I bet you that you haven't been late nor absent at school since kinder because I have I've made it to CIF state championship for wrestling and I'm about to graduate from my high school with 3-4 sashes so yea if you got nothing nice to say than don't say it at all than just don't say it at all
Isaac, Wrench did initially light into you, and then apologized. Keep in mind we all were your age once.
I think we all came up in Working Class family's. When we wanted something, we either made it or worked to purchase it.

Are you going to attend college? If so, have you any idea what you might want to major in? Building a motored bicycle would be a great project for a mechanical engineer. Which brings to mind. What bike have you chosen to motorize?
My oldest grandson Tyler has his heart set on being an architect. He is a real whiz using Auto-Cad. Keep us posted.
I don't know man, when you were 17 did you never go to a party and drink beer? Were you 21 the first time you got drunk? Did you never try smoking pot in high school? If you didn't do any of these things then you kinda missed out on a part of being a teenager and growing up. I'm not saying teens should go drink and smoke pot or do hard drugs or anything else, but part of growing up is stepping over boundaries and sometimes making bad choices and learning from your mistakes. This is what people called learning how to engage in social interaction with your peers back when I was young. I guess today, they learn social interaction on social media which does not really help them develop any social skills at all.
Of course I was a well dressed stoner in H.S , I didn't become an alcoholic until later in Life. LOL
I remember H.S. That was the place with all the pretty girls, OH the Memories
I sure am glad everyone didn't have a camera phone when i grew up.
I sure am glad I didn't post my whole life on the internet to come back and haunt me later in life.
I sure am glad i don't have to create a PHONY self image to be popular on social media.
I sure am glad i never became a Gamer, But I did play Pinball Machines.
Call me old fashion but the most advanced i got is to have a Flip phone LOL
Of course I have a home computer - and look at me, spending time talking about this B.S. LOL

Yes Kids isolate in so many different ways today it's sad
i'm literally trying everything i've got but whenever i got a great idea to earn some money my mom just says stick in school but i do work with a guy yard every weekend he pays me 10 dollars an hr & i usually go from 8 am to 11ish 11:30
I see you do have a job so why ask for a donation?

i like to fish
AWESOME Good Sport I dig Kayak fishing in the Pacific Ocean
These are Calico Sea bass Limit 5 in CA.

In the Ocean ya can catch all kind of crazy looking fish.

IDK if your a good kid or a bad kid, but do as your Mom says and graduate H.S.
Must be a trip during COVID I bet ya felt like school was over forever LOL


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I'm sorry for being hard on you, But I don't feel sorry for you.

At 15 I had a 1971 Kawasaki 100 Enduro M/C
I got it free from a Junk yard. I took it to H.S. M.C shop class and fixed it
The piston and con rod needed to be replaced and it cost me. about $30
I got the $$ Selling my BMX bicycle that I had built over the years for $90
I now had a M/C besides I Rode a 10 speed bike now too.

Your M/B will mean more to you if ya earn it.
Isaac, this is your thread. You opened up a conduit for men who would be a mentor. Ain't so sure about Wrench but he is salty like you and it appears he is not fishing. He's catching.
Wrench, mentioned HS Shop Class. I first took shop in 8th grade and continued through all the HS Industrial Arts classes
I could get a credit in. I sucked at Algebra/ ratios/ proportions/ percent's, store keeper math. Refusing to memorize all the rules, nixed advancing to Geometry and Trigonometry. Doing Trig long hand is a pain. And then a miracle happened.
Spring of 1970 Casio came out with a digital calculator with a square root function key.
Cost in 1970. only available in a store selling Drafting (Hand drawn engineering design) Supplies, $100.00.
That was a ton of money when my gross income from 40hrs work was $54.

Minimum wage in 1969 was a buck thirty five. Mind you, every fiscal quarter we got a raise until we made Tool and Die Maker base rate. From there you had to prove you were worthy of an increase.

Guys replying want you to earn your dream under your own power. That's all.
Isaac, Wrench did initially light into you, and then apologized. Keep in mind we all were your age once.
I think we all came up in Working Class family's. When we wanted something, we either made it or worked to purchase it.

Are you going to attend college? If so, have you any idea what you might want to major in? Building a motored bicycle would be a great project for a mechanical engineer. Which brings to mind. What bike have you chosen to motorize?
My oldest grandson Tyler has his heart set on being an architect. He is a real whiz using Auto-Cad. Keep us posted.
well what i wanna major in was something with tools or car restoration bc i'm very great at figuring things out
Isaac, this is your thread. You opened up a conduit for men who would be a mentor. Ain't so sure about Wrench but he is salty like you and it appears he is not fishing. He's catching.
Wrench, mentioned HS Shop Class. I first took shop in 8th grade and continued through all the HS Industrial Arts classes
I could get a credit in. I sucked at Algebra/ ratios/ proportions/ percent's, store keeper math. Refusing to memorize all the rules, nixed advancing to Geometry and Trigonometry. Doing Trig long hand is a pain. And then a miracle happened.
Spring of 1970 Casio came out with a digital calculator with a square root function key.
Cost in 1970. only available in a store selling Drafting (Hand drawn engineering design) Supplies, $100.00.
That was a ton of money when my gross income from 40hrs work was $54.

Minimum wage in 1969 was a buck thirty five. Mind you, every fiscal quarter we got a raise until we made Tool and Die Maker base rate. From there you had to prove you were worthy of an increase.

Guys replying want you to earn your dream under your own power. That's all.
Tom not much different for me also, I took all the classes I could arcketectrol drafting, metal shop ( learn tin smithing ) Wood shop. Then in High school more of the same + art classes. Made a small paint sprayer in metal shop, basic welding, I had to go back and makeup a English class, after graduating so took a fourth year of art for another credit ( kind of teachers helper ) then went to work after class. Never regretted it, drafted my own house rebuild plans, built many of things since then. .................Curt
Not to jump on the band wagon but get a job kid. I had 2 jobs and went to school and owned my own business and building by the end of my senior year and graduated with a 3.54 gpa AND smoked pot and drank beer. If I can do it you can... not the pot and beer tho... Drugs are bad uhmmkay kids...
Enjoy your zeda as it sits now until you can earn the coin for the parts. Most states have a limit on how fast you can go in these bikes (20 to 30 Mph) and being honest they start getting kinda scary at about 33 Mph thanks to unbalanced wheels and crankshaft.

I hate to be the buzzkill, but you also have to take into effect the Increased risk of fatality in an accident speed can get ugly fast


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