Do More bikes = More Rules & Reg's?

Thanks to Rockenstein,I just found out that where I live, they are sensible.
Keep in mind that there should be legislation to DETERMIN the limits.
They don't want some one putting 100cc on a bike and calling it a motorized bicycle for many reasons and one of them is safety. I can easily see why.:):):):)

Why not a 100cc on a bicycle? Did anyone stop the MC companies from making crotchrockets that will approach if not exceed 200mph....I guess thats safe, right? With 100cc youre only talking I guess THATS dangerous, right? Folks gotta stop letting the govt, whichever one it is, control their every move. It seems like some are even falling under that spell...."oh, we will be fine....big brother knows whats best for us all". Bavull Shavit....pure Bavull Shavit! Grow a set!
Thanks to Rockenstein,I just found out that where I live, they are sensible.
Keep in mind that there should be legislation to DETERMIN the limits.
They don't want some one putting 100cc on a bike and calling it a motorized bicycle for many reasons and one of them is safety. I can easily see why.:):):):)

Safety should be everyone's main concern.
Great topic. Being in NY, we are coming OUT of darkness, into the light.
All my life, anything with a motor had to be registered, regulated, inspected and insured (except for mopeds- they got the registered and regulated part).

Two things will bring on more regulation- speed (causing accidents) and noise (causing dander to rise).

Actually, the kit-foundation of these things is a real benefit. Around here, we see zero little pocket bikes- they all got snagged by police or wore out. They WERE sold even in car parts stores. No more.
Easy come - easy go.
Kits are a whole different world.
Why not a 100cc on a bicycle? Did anyone stop the MC companies from making crotchrockets that will approach if not exceed 200mph....I guess thats safe, right? With 100cc youre only talking I guess THATS dangerous, right? Folks gotta stop letting the govt, whichever one it is, control their every move. It seems like some are even falling under that spell...."oh, we will be fine....big brother knows whats best for us all". Bavull Shavit....pure Bavull Shavit! Grow a set!

I can see your point Young, but first of all it's a little more closer to five than three,secondy, bicycles are not made to handle the weight combined with speed and vibration;even the smooth roads are not so smooth motorcycles are built big and very strong so they can handle it; if I hit a pot hole at 40 mph I'm dog meat and my bike is trashed ;even on a smooth road when I'm traveling at high speed I find myself wondering at what moment my bike is going to shatter to pieces out from under me......those who want 100cc should get their selves a real motorcycle or a mini bike
I'd register inspect tag and insure my bike if I could. I have a motorcycle license...the bike is considered home made hence no way to insure inspect or license the bike. I just can't for the life of me understand the difference in me peddlin this thing around and the motor pushin it....oh wait at 48 years old and 250 pounds a heart attack! I dang near had one b4 I motorized this thing I am not kidding. I do think you ought to be at least 15 to operate on low speed road do what ya like. 100cc needs turn signals brake lights ect. I try my best never to turn left or right or stop abruptly anywhere I go. I try my best to plan my moves WAY in advance. I don't count on cars trucks or even motorcycles to do anything but the opposite of what I need them to do. IMO they are all running in a broken loop of murphy's law.
everyone should move to florida,"the man"could care less here as long as you obey traffic laws,were talking about a state that used to have a motorcycle helmet law and when the bikers made a stink about it the state abolished it for anyone over 16,now its bikers choice,although I wear mine but mabey thats because Ive already used my first eight lives.
everyone should move to florida,"the man"could care less here as long as you obey traffic laws,were talking about a state that used to have a motorcycle helmet law and when the bikers made a stink about it the state abolished it for anyone over 16,now its bikers choice,although I wear mine but mabey thats because Ive already used my first eight lives.

Sure sounds good and i'ts getting cold up here!! My motor kit comes from St. Petersburg Florida.
Way up here, Many years ago, the bikers also protested the helmet law and said what does it matter to the system if they die from head injuries. The system would not give an inch,saying that the bikers are "obligated to society" .......Ive got good memory...that was back in the late 70s

Didn't wear a helmet, had an accident on a bike and didn't die. Don't be like Gary Busey.
Liberals are in a quandry with this one, on the one hand their itching for a new tax to impose and on the other were as green as you can get so they wont want to discourage our MABS. One other thing is big CORP might catch on here to the profit potential and get laws passed to force the little guy out of selling or making them.
so why not self regulate? it's worked in some other sports. why not create a national saftey check list ,have riders regulate riders. one would have the choice to have a fellow rider inspect there ride and issue a sticker. everyone one of the guy's who have added to this thread are in my eyes the ones with the skills to get it right ,beat the "man" to the punch.
it seems like alot of time spent on the forum is too meet up to ride or trade tech skills, why can we do the same thing with self reg.? were all here already having the debate anyway...
and it's a good excuse to get out and ride w/ur pals more.
so why not self regulate? it's worked in some other sports. why not create a national saftey check list ,have riders regulate riders. one would have the choice to have a fellow rider inspect there ride and issue a sticker. everyone one of the guy's who have added to this thread are in my eyes the ones with the skills to get it right ,beat the "man" to the punch.
it seems like alot of time spent on the forum is too meet up to ride or trade tech skills, why can we do the same thing with self reg.? were all here already having the debate anyway...
and it's a good excuse to get out and ride w/ur pals more.

I am not a tue ANARCHIST, but I doo push the bounds of libertarianism to the very edge, so Im not much on regulation of any type for our machines. That being said, I believe that the above is the way to go. If this were the case then we would have at least some evidence of integrity and unity. At some point we WILL be challenged(attacked)....we are going to need a LOBBY....and who better than ourselves?.trk
Be interesting to know how many of these kits are sold in the US a year. Like Paul said I too am the only person I've ever seen on one.

As a side note I tried self regulatin once but I ran out of prunes.
I beilieve that if we keep letting the government tell us what's safe & what's not, there will come a day when they start issuing tickets for not wearing a helmet while walking down the street!! (seriously)

I think that the stupid people who put giant engines on the cheapest china bicycles they can find, & go racing down a pot hole covered road will all die! & it will be kinda like natural selection where only the smart people will survive!! ;)
I beilieve that if we keep letting the government tell us what's safe & what's not, there will come a day when they start issuing tickets for not wearing a helmet while walking down the street!! (seriously)

I think that the stupid people who put giant engines on the cheapest china bicycles they can find, & go racing down a pot hole covered road will all die! & it will be kinda like natural selection where only the smart people will survive!! ;)

Darwinian Award!
More people riding MBs-> better chance of some idiotic kid hurting himself/someone else-> newspaper picks up the story-> misinformed people start demanding that authorities do something-> authorities see easy to make extra money -> rinse and repeat.

You should see the kind of stink eye you get for saying you own a pellet gun around here 0.o
Depending on the state the rules vary. Northern California is a great place to ride! But some... drive a little crazy.. always pushing top speed on any road seem to be making it tough on those seasoned riders who know how to ride.. Put-Put on the main roads and if you want to push your bike, do it on back roads where the man isn't hanging!!!
More people riding MBs-> better chance of some idiotic kid hurting himself/someone else-> newspaper picks up the story-> misinformed people start demanding that authorities do something-> authorities see easy to make extra money -> rinse and repeat.

You should see the kind of stink eye you get for saying you own a pellet gun around here 0.o

Glad only one guy and his kids saw me crash into a small evergreen on New Year's.. (bent the tree, broke my wheels)
chain slipped.. :(
getting a nice sprocket adapter now.. not the cheep stock scrap-rubber ragjoint.
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The Jackshaft assembly with gears is the only way to go! I got tired of tearing wheels up. Interplanetary gears like the Sturmy Archer 7 speed is my next change, I currently have the Nexus Shimano 3 speed Hub with Jackshaft assembly and it RULES! I will challenge any Chinese Motorizes Bike to a race!!
The Jackshaft assembly with gears is the only way to go! I got tired of tearing wheels up. Interplanetary gears like the Sturmy Archer 7 speed is my next change, I currently have the Nexus Shimano 3 speed Hub with Jackshaft assembly and it RULES! I will challenge any Chinese Motorizes Bike to a race!!

got a link?
I bought this and waiting for it to come in the mail with my new rear wheel
Hub Adapter with Sprocket