Denver Area Ride XI - Saturday 4/20 - 11am

I'm all for waiting for better conditions. Sorry, but I'm sort of a fair weather rider. I just don't enjoy being cold. Too old for that. Warm and wet I can stand but cold and wet...
Not for this old guy. :(

glad about the reschduleing i will let shawn now were in .

rode today goretex jacket gloves ski mask silk long jhons the whole nine winter needs to hurry it up and end im sick of looking like a bank robber just to go and ride.
So I got picked for the Denver parks and rec courtesy patrol and found out something pretty crappy....any and all paths and walks in the Denver parks and rec system are 15mph punishable by fines starting at $100.... and its not cops its rangers.. be careful guys

It was a please do this thing in the past...its in the books now...really screws a lot of people up...not just our group...screws me on my commute I know that...regardless..just passing along info...sorry to be the messenger
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Welcome to what we have had up here in FC for the past 3 years. They don't eve let electric bikes on the paths up here. So much for being the "Eco-green" city of Colorado.
Something came up I wasn't expecting. Family needs overrules bikes. My mother-in-law is having surgery. Nothing major but my wife and I need to take care of some things for her. Her appointment was changed and we just found out yesterday.

Maybe next time. You guys have fun and ride safe and don't get into any trouble. Watch those speed limits on the trails.

Something came up I wasn't expecting. Family needs overrules bikes. My mother-in-law is having surgery. Nothing major but my wife and I need to take care of some things for her. Her appointment was changed and we just found out yesterday.

Maybe next time. You guys have fun and ride safe and don't get into any trouble. Watch those speed limits on the trails.



I can always reschedule it for next Saturday. Turns out that it's my friend Mark GF's birthday and he won't be able to make it. Same goes for Van & his crew, he has to work and he can't make it either. At this point it might only be a 3 or 4 person ride. I'm leaning more towards just rescheduling it... let me know what you think?

As far as the trails go. I haven't been riding much on the inner city trails for some time. Unless, it's around sunset when there's almost nobody on the trails; except for bums.

Thankfully we have plenty of street paths for the day time .rd.
That would give me a chance to put a few more miles on the new bike. But I don't want to mess up anyone's schedule or fun. Thanks for the consideration, Frank.

We're rescheduled again, it wouldn't be much of a big cruise if there's less then 5 of us going. Check the first post for updated information. Hopefully the weather is going to be nice
i will let shawn know tommorow no worries from down here in the springs it makes sense why to reschedule looks like april wasnt time for the gang .
Hate to say it, but "the weather" might again delay the first cruise of the year for another week... They're saying low to mid 50's with possible showers in the afternoon... I know that's not everyone's cup of tea.

What's the verdict? Are we going to ride tomorrow; or should I reschedule? Makes no difference to me just need to know...
