Danny Revisited

That guy has mad skills!
I remember watching those videos the last time you shared them, and I thank you again for sharing them. He is just incredible!
I enjoyed watching them just as much this time as I did the first time !!!
thanks for re-posting them Tom (^)
thanks for sharing.
wish i was 30 years younger,i'd try it.
i like my bones in one piece....
Truly amazing Tom! I had never even approached that fellow's skill or talent in my best of days.
lol I once crashed a motorcycle into a tree and had to crawl down to the ground!

Nice of you to re-post, but why did you select Pearl Harbor Day?
Had to pick my jaw up off of the floor after seeing his skills. God sure gave him some mad skills as it has been said already.
a. this should be a must watch sticky
b. if ever there were a thread were profanity should be allowed, if not encouraged, it is this one as i cannot describe the video without it.
I enjoyed his new vid,,,
I didn't comment because I didn't want to repeat my self too too many times !!! laff
Damn that dude is sick!
Wow! How did I miss the game going to this level?
I even watched the X-Games once.
Really. Wow. Thanks for that.
It's been a long time but me thinks there are a lot of newer members who have not seen these videos. Danny has come a long way since he made these but the first two have always been my favorites. Here you go guys and you older members can enjoy it too.
