Cutting bike/motorcycle cables....


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What tool do you guys use to cut bike brake/clutch cable neatly? Any tips?

Also, where did you find the little cable end caps to prevent fraying?

I've had moderate success with taping (to prevent fray) then cutting with HD wire cutters, but it ruins the cutters and smashes the cable.
The end caps can be found at your LBS, mine gave me a handful for free. As for cutting cable, I have a good set of dykes that work on the cable itself. My problem is cutting the housing, any suggestions?...Kelly
Use a DREMEL TOOL w/a thin cut-off wheel to cut both cable & housing!
You can also put a dab of solder on the cable end to keep it from fraying...
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Thanks. I cut my housings with a mototool and a rotary disc cutter. Whizzes right through, nice and square. Burr free, but always check for burrs.
I don't know what they're called but park tool makes cable cutters... we use them at the bike shop I work at.