Correspondence I'm sending to the chief of police in a town...

Just remember tho, that still doesn't stop them from stopping me or watching me as I ride through that town and pounce on me for any little thing..

Welcome to the world of the outlaw biker. And on an electric motor bicycle no less lol.
if i were you, and pissed off, i would get a video on it, like a point of view camera with audio, cruise through that town as much as you can, be very polite and be crisp on verbatum, maybe even state statues printed out..., then if the police chief ignores it,go above him! get with the local news team to maybe do a story! this will get the mayor to crack down, with a sort of "make this story dissapear" effect.
good luck!
Audio recording (even in public) without both parties consent (in Florida), is considered "wire tapping", believe it or not...
I'll hold off until we hear back from Jeff...

Let's face facts....

We all know, 90% of the time, any "issues" with motor bikes has to deal with money (or lack thereof)...

If you could have an "add-on kit" to make your bike into an "e-bicycle" that could go 20mph (quickly) AND have a range of 100 miles AND could be recharged in 5-10 Minutes AND be less than $200, EVERYONE would have one and no one would "complain" about the gas powered laws...
(All of the above IS possible, EXCEPT, for the "less than $200" part.)
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So no thoughts on the post 2 above this one?

Im guessing you'll say St Lucie County Sheriffs Office is wrong. But if they ARE RIGHT, it wouldnt matter to you because (from what I recall from other posts) you dont have a valid FL DL.

It would be awesome if the law would be amended, so it would be good for you, as well as other fellow MBers w/o a FL DL.

Sigh... one hand doesnt know what the other one is doing.
- Local Sheriffs Office
Good job I love the " Do you have anything I might consider a weapon " How the heck would I know what you consider a weapon officer. My own teo hands are my best weapons shall I lop them off for you sir?. Some cops just think they are above you & it is proven in the way they talk to you , the way they drive their cars. They tend to forget , it's our tax money that pays their salary. "To protect and serve themselves " Should be the slogan .. The new one should read "To demean , belittle and harass" I think the problem is that they deal with scum almost all day long. So on the rare occasion when they run into a normal a law abiding good guy , they are still stuck in scum bag mode & that's wrong it is not their job to judge just goes to show Some cops think they automatically deserve and want all kinds of respect yet fail to give it even in the slightest way. I know you were respectful and polite yet he still treated you with none. I hat3e it when they do that. Yet there are a few good cops out there to bad so few

So no thoughts on the post 2 above this one?

Im guessing you'll say St Lucie County Sheriffs Office is wrong. But if they ARE RIGHT, it wouldnt matter to you because (from what I recall from other posts) you dont have a valid FL DL.

It would be awesome if the law would be amended, so it would be good for you, as well as other fellow MBers w/o a FL DL.

Sigh... one hand doesnt know what the other one is doing.
- Local Sheriffs Office

Actually, I have my license "available" to be re-instated... (for the past few months now)..
Technically, I could go to the DMV right now and get one, but THAT is NOT the point..

Remember, that neither the Sheriff, NOR the DMV makes law... Only the legislature does that..

The Sherrif only enforces the law.
The DMV only follows the law.
A prosecuting attorney and a judge (The judicial branch) decide what the law means and what the law states.

So no matter what I or the DMV or the Sherrif or anyone (other than the judicial branch) thinks really matters, now does it?

Hey, if someone wants to take a bike, add a gas motor, put dirctionals, lights, brake lights, mirrors and everything else a moped needs to be legal and go to the DMV and register it as a homemade moped and get a tag.. All the more power to them...

In my opinion though... Just adding a gas powered motor on a bicycle and calling it a "moped" just ain't the way to do it and the DMV (specifically told me) they won't register it in that "form."
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Actually, I have my license "available" to be re-instated... (for a few months)..
Technically, I could go to the DMV right now and get one, but THAT is NOT the point..

Remember, that neither the Sheriff, NOR the DMV makes law... Only the legislature does that..

The Sherrif only enforces the law.
The DMV only follows the law.
A prosecuting attorney and a judge (The judicial branch) decide what the law means and what the law states.

So no matter what I or the DMV or the Sherrif or anyone (other than the judicial branch) thinks really matters, now does it?

Hey, if someone wants to take a bike, add a gas motor, put dirctionals, lights, brake lights, mirrors and everything else a moped needs to be legal and go to the DMV and register it as a homemade moped and get a tag.. All the more power to them...

In my opinion though... Just adding a gas powered motor on a bicycle and calling it a "moped" just ain't the way to do it and the DMV (specifically told me) they won't register it in that "form."

Yeah, what you're saying makes sense.

Going to the top, what Jeff A. and you're trying to do at the legislative level and change the law is the way to go on this for sure.
IMO, This a point I believe all here have missed. All Officers are suppose to have a Psychological evaluation before they can take on active duty. The larger the population within a certain jursdiction, the higher the ammount of times Officers have to be Re-evalulated Pyschologically. This is not happening in just one place. There is a hole allowing "Bullies" through into the ranks. A point of the preverbial slipping through the cracks. As the nature of the beast is indeed well known in this day and age! And there is no mistaking the one SANGESF brings to us.. Even if this Officer takes the Pen being mightier than the Sword a bit too literal, LoL!

To address AL Fisherman's point, "Bad Cops", they have grown to be the majority on Duty. I know that from the many states I have lived in. Only through the power of the Lord above, have those good officers coming out of the wood work occured, just to save my butt from another unfit for Duty. Why me, I couldn't tell you. Possibly as I have an out going personaility and had heard of me, or personally spoke to me. Is just the experience I've had throughout my life. Not all have been lucky enough to gain such, in such situations.

To SANGESF, who started this thread. You were lucky that you happen to hit into a good Police Chief. Don't offer your phone for verbal communication. As it can be later denied that it occured. If at all possibile, "Get it in Writing"! One thing my white haired Momma taught me. And dang if she wasn't 100% right in the point. As even if in writing does not guaraunty anything, but it gives you a fighting chance!
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Well I have the response of the officer's supervisor in email (from the police email), so I have it in writing.. (I also have it printed out, in case someone from that town gives me any problems.)

For now, I'm gonna let sleeping dogs lie, unless I get harassed again by the same officer or another from that town..

They all know, my civil rights were violated.. And if it happens again, they'll find I'm not a push over, but a bull dog with an ACLU lawyer. ;)
Funny thing happened 3 days ago. Rode up to Albertsons (grocery store chain here in Vegas). As I was locking my bike to the bike rack 3 LV Metro patrol cars pull up near by. Than a 4th and than a 5th who parked at the curb right in front of me. I'm thinking, what the #@&& is going on here. A cop gets out of the 5th car and walks straight at me, with purpose. He says in a loud voice, "what the **** is that?. That is cool as ****". Than he called his buddies over to look at my bike... We talked for a couple minutes and then they left. Very strange...