Copper Board Tracker

Curtis, its Krylon color is sea Glass satin. Krylon is far superior in dry times so fast you avoid runs. The clear is called Krylon triple thick crystal clear. It gets hard in minutes. Rustoleum while has really good coverage ( better than Krylon but seems to never dry and is always sticky for months as it seems, so when I use Rustoleum I then clear it with Krylon Clear. I Just sprayed the Gas tank also and cleared it a few minutes ago. Turned out nice and luckily I did not have any boogers or fish eyes! whewww, thanks again to Dawn Dish soap wash! Everything will hang on its wires for 2 days and let the clear harden fully ( even though it feels hard) one can leave finger prints in it if you hold it in one spot too long), before I rub the paint out with fine rubbing compound and wax em up.
TIP///On the frame I had a thin wire on the bottom of the frame also, so I could lift it at different angles as I was spraying and wow was that the ticket.
I am happy Ill be able to assemble everything soon and expect that to take 3 days and nights at most. This will be the last time I ever do this as its way to toxic a project for my old lungs. Bodyshop or powder coat from now on... I can taste the dang paint in my throat. YUKKKKKKK


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Bought the whole shabang off Fleabay like I always do.

Ok here is a testament what can be done with Krylon paint and clear.
check out the flawless factory like reflection now that its dry and clear coat has shrunk tight. Pretty amazing really for rattle can work. Reflections don't lie.


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Going to be one nice looking bike, as always with your builds. lots of details make the difference.............Curt
Thank Curtis I try.
So here is the last two things to "copperize " not sure if that's a word?
the sprocket I just did and the tailight


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just a tail light from ebay ( I told you I get everything from ebay...I meant EVERYTHING...LOL)laff
Listed under vintage style tail light for bikes.
Ok The paint got very hard and set up nice so I couldn't help but start assembling it.
I guess I was too excited to wait. Got wheels on, Fork installed, Headlight installed, Tail lite painted and on, 41 t Sprocket on tight, Handle bars on and Brake lever on, and threw on the center stand. I also installed the tool Box. Here is a few picts, so its coming together PDQ. Gas tank Later today and the motor and controls.. IF I get spare time...
why my pictures keep going sideways is beyond me, sorry guys.


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Looking sweet Zip, really nice work!
This will be the last time I ever do this as its way to toxic a project for my old lungs.
Bodyshop or powder coat from now on... I can taste the dang paint in my throat. YUKKKKKKK
What might really open your eyes is adding up all the rattle can prices out the door with sales tax to complete your bike, paint and sealer.

For $100 out the door my local powder co will put a perfect finish as hard and smooth as steel outdoor furniture has and it costs me no time or exposure to any fumes.

A $100 sound like a lot for a bike frame, but when you add it all up not even counting your time I learned pretty quick what the best option was and been using it ever since ;-}
I agree 100 percent KC, while I got the results I wanted the toxic value of doing it yourself without a spray booth just isn't worth it. I would imagine that I would of spent 200 to 300 up here for powder coating the frame, tank and small parts is all. Live and learn I guess as I cough up more green dust/ lol As they say don't try this at home.

Here ya go A Green....Just fitting tank now. Remember white panels with a teal pinstripe is going on the tank and tool box sides with real semi shiny copper logos (printed with a special machine that can print chrome, brass or copper )


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When I post from my iPad it only allows one pict per post...weird


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Agreen, I bought it early last summer from a guy who had tank and frame listed separately.
May of been a one off as I went to buy another one about a month ago and there is no listing. I will keep checking and post if I ever see it again.
Just copperized the 2 small gas tank brackets, my daughter helped me do this detailed work.

Struggling to get the brackets on as the screws need to be very short because they cant go very far into the two nuts welded to the tank... its a tricky business. one screw to go after a hour of work. Longer screws and you would not be able to tighten down the brackets. all the while trying not to damage new paint, whewww.


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I really like the green color. Very vintage looking. I post from iPad most of the time too so when I have more than one picture I just edit the post. Most of my posts with pics have edits. A couple of your photos are stretched in one axis like the aspect ratio is changed. Bike looks good and that's the bottom line!
I agree 100 percent KC, while I got the results I wanted the toxic value of doing it yourself without a spray booth just isn't worth it. I would imagine that I would of spent 200 to 300 up here for powder coating the frame, tank and small parts is all.
Bummer dude!
I am kind of lucky that way I guess, big city and all, this outfit is ~10 miles from me and they do top notch work in about a week for $100 out the door.
Very cool for new gas tank frames ;-}

Just out of curiosity, did you add up your rattle-can total cost?