controller, relay or...

The only thing I can think of is the 24v current welded it shut. Im going to see if i can run the switch on a lower voltage current. If that doesn't work I will go back to the 20 amp house current switch that will hold it I know for sure. But I knew in advance that the house current 15amp wouldn't but I also thought the switch circuit would be a low enough amps that it would weld it shut. Nonetheless, I will see evidently the circuit did not make a difference or I wired it wrong but I don't see how I could.

Since the switch and the relays high amp side share the same battery input obviously for some reason they have the same amp running through them. I don't see how else it could happen. I would love to get it to run on 6v to make relay switch. That would make a small battery for the switch possible. however we shall see. I will probably wind up going back to the controller but I hate to. The on off switch runs with better power.
Okay I wired a spare twelve volt battery into the switch circuit and it works the relay. I did make sure there was no power to the switch from the relay so it is independent of the relay. I expect that the amp draw to work the switch will be very small. I am at present trying to charge up a six volt battery to see if that will work as well. If it won't work I will probably buy an even smaller 12v battery to run the switch. At least by separating the power there is no way it can pull from the heavy duty amps needed to run the motor. It's a 600 watt motor so it can pull up to forty amps no problem.
The six volt wouldn't do it but the 12v does just fine. I should be able to use it just fine with a 12 horn type momentary switch one day. In the meantime I am going to use a 117v 15 amp wall switch. If it doesn't cook that I think I will be good to go.

Since i am using a 7ah 13v battery just for the relay switch, I might hook up a 12v led light. that might be kind of fun. Even though I do not ever plan to ride the bike after dark.
I rode the relay bike and believe me at 24v it outperforms a controller. The outside circuit for the switch seems to work just fine. While I had it up on the lift so to speak, I mounted the motor a little more solidly. The motor mount and the secondary circuit seem to make the bike more user friendly at least that is what my imagination tells me. I know there is no real difference. It worked just as well with a plain switch but this seems more like a build that a stick together somehow.

I do take the trailer off and on for storage and to ride. That will tend to make me keep the connections tight.
You can have some fun now that you have a one of those electronic key switches to lock out your bike, and a "go" button that lights up =]
You can have some fun now that you have a one of those electronic key switches to lock out your bike, and a "go" button that lights up =]

Cool idea/// that little battery with the switch on it can run a set of those under the car neon light lol.