Coast-to-Coast Bike Lane

Michigan Mike

New Member
I was just sitting here thinking how nice it would be if there were paved bike/MB trails that ran through all that beautiful, unused median space between our freeway lanes. It would be great to take some long trips ... maybe even travel to other states or cross country.

Might be hard to "retro-fit" the existing freeways this way but it might be do-able on new construction. Maybe this could be a way of creating new jobs while adding a new demension to our infra-structure?

Wouldn't it be something to have a coast-to-coast bike lane?! We could do like Forest Gump ... ride until you hit the ocean and then turn around and ride until hit the other ocean!

I don't know about freeways, but what if they widened the North Country trail a bit for bikes? I heard that was supposed to run from the east coast to Washington state. I've hiked that trail here in the U.P. in a number of places and did you know that they even built cable bridges across rivers just for that trail? When I heard they built one for $100,000, I had to go and see it and it was like wow!

Of course they make these bridges so that 4 wheelers are too wide for them, but a bicycle? No problem! The only problem is the trail one would have to ride to get there. That NCHT is not made for bikes, but what if it was? Now that to me would be just great!
We have the Trans Canada trail and bicycles are allowed -it goes thru some fantastic country right thru our town --Penticton-- it is my favourite in summer not paved in our area tho
Here is a pic too much snow now--our section is the abandon kettle valley railroad--500 miles long--with many more miles of other abandon lines perfect for motor biking-anyone wants to come up write me ill give you a tour and campsite!! you go over 13 huge train tresles if you dont like height you will dirty your drawers some 900 ft plus


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We have the Trans Canada trail and bicycles are allowed ...

Hey Robin,
Good to hear from you ... hope all's well up there in the Great White North.

Your Trans Canada Trail sounds great. Wish we had something like that down here in the states. Maybe we do? If anyone knows of it I hope they'll post.

Here's the link I found for the Trans Canada trail on Google ...
The Trans Canada Trail

Will return to it later when I have time to explore the site.

Think Spring!
I don't know about freeways, but what if they widened the North Country trail a bit for bikes? I heard that was supposed to run from the east coast to Washington state.

I just Googled "North Country Trail" . Here's a link:
North Country Trail Association Home Page

Very nice ... but as you said, looks like much or most of it is for hikers only (I didn't check the whole site).

Too bad ... I can ride farther than I can walk!
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We have the Trans Canada trail and bicycles are allowed -it goes thru some fantastic country right thru our town --Penticton-- it is my favourite in summer not paved in our area tho
Here is a pic too much snow now--our section is the abandon kettle valley railroad--500 miles long--with many more miles of other abandon lines perfect for motor biking-anyone wants to come up write me ill give you a tour and campsite!! you go over 13 huge train tresles if you dont like height you will dirty your drawers some 900 ft plus

I am so there for that! Hopefully this summer and will be in touch. Your offer is valid in Bellingham anytime also in return. Without the 900 ft. trestles however but I am sure we can find something to amuse you? brnot
Thank You for that offer, I may never go and probly not, but in my mind and having the invite to ride that trail is a very great kindness that keeps me coming to this forum, so many great giving people who love life. Thank you Robin for the pic and the invite. Because even if it is just a thought of how nice that would be enriches the MB experance.
Today--February 5 was a nice day and me and my friend carl decided to check out a branch line of the KVR from Penticton to O.K.falls --we cut off branches and snow is almost gone also are some pics of Penticton


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I just Googled "North Country Trail" . Here's a link:
North Country Trail Association Home Page

Very nice ... but as you said, looks like much or most of it is for hikers only (I didn't check the whole site).

Too bad ... I can ride farther than I can walk!

Looks like to me that government funding was cut in North Dakota! Thanks for the link......had no idea that hikers actually got together on that site. All the years I've hiked the parts that run through here, I've never run into another soul on it and thought I was the only happy idiot to hike that rough country! laff

You're right about it not being made for bikes, at least in a lot of places. But if a guy had a fold up bike, stored on his back, one could cruise some of that trail.

Sounds to me that Canada trail is the one to live near though!
Someone, I think it was Fm200 sent me a you-tube link of an old guy who rode an MB from South Carolina to Denver....and back. Over 2000 miles. He apparently stayed away from the Interstates and took back roads.
Now that would be a trip. I drove my hot rod to St. Louis this past summer, took a lot of back roads instead of I-70. The things available to see is incredible and to see them from a bike instead of from car at 55 or 60 mph would be outrageous. A long haul on a MB would be a trip to remember. Maybe I should consider that before I get too old to endure it. Almost there now, better hurry up.
hi; the first transcontinental trip by a motored vehicle was made in 1903 and was done on a powered bike. in 2003 a friend of mine reran the trip from san francisco to nyc. he did this in period attire and a very similar bike, i believe it took two months. he wrote a comprehensive account of the trip. his name is unclepunk 13 on the other bike forum. you can read about it there and also it can be googled. mitch.