CNS Carburetor

EXCELLANT!!!!! Just came back from a good test ride....Everything is great, bottom, middle, and topend....I made a 2 1/2 inch velocity stack with some foam as filtration for now until my shorter intake gets here so I can fit my K&N in there....
Really???Cool, thanks for leetting me know...I was thinking rich....Maybe one notch on the needle richer, and some oil on the filter....
WELL, I got it figured out.....Just came back from a 3 mile ride.....WITH the slide mod. and NO air filter and without wacking the throttle to wide open, it rides verry good....I just creep up on the throttle and it goes through the jetting circuits just fine....In fact it out motors the gearing now....Got more throttle than gearing....(44 on the back)....3/4 turns out on the air/fuel screw.....Plus the slide fileing I did.....

I have followed this thread from the beginning and want to make sure what the fix is for this carb.....I want one.

The fix is just the stock (HT) needle valve thing from float bowl, only 3/4 turn on the mix screw and the filing? Anything I miss here?
You need the use the Slide needle, not the float needle.....Iwent between 3/4 and 1 turn...I filed the back side of the slide(where the air comes into the carb)...I took off about half of the ridge....Take it slow and make sure it`s even.....
You need the use the Slide needle, not the float needle.....Iwent between 3/4 and 1 turn...I filed the back side of the slide(where the air comes into the carb)...I took off about half of the ridge....Take it slow and make sure it`s even.....

Ah, I see, now I understand. Thanks a lot!
Run the way it comes first to see if you even have to do anything, who know`s....You might get one out a million that don`t need any work....
I have finaly had some luck with my CNS today too. I'm definately no authority, Im still not 100% sure if in on the screw is richer or leaner. I dont really know if it affect's the whole throttle range? just WOT? something else?

To get mine going i used the pin out of the stock carb with the clip on the highest setting(leaner/pin lower). screw at just under 3 turns out. this screw is sensitive use 1/8th turns or oclocks to find the sweet spot.

I rode to work and back today (about 15 km return) i didnt check the plug at work, checked it when i got home and lovely chocolate brown. the temperature has range from pleasant in shorts this morning to horrible hot this afternoon, so i'm guessing i was a touch on the lean side this morning

My bike is going better now with the CNS than it was with the stock. In saying that, it was a frustrating experience at first. If you dont like fiddling with things to make them work i would stick with stock.
I've got one mounted on a dax 70 stock cylinder with chrome style intake. The only performance mod I have is a tuned pipe..... LOVE IT. Good low end and better top end.
I hate to bring this out from the dead, But I got a problem with my cns carb. It seems to leak fuel, and It bogs down when I accel.Any Ideas?
I hate to bring this out from the dead, But I got a problem with my cns carb. It seems to leak fuel, and It bogs down when I accel.Any Ideas?

I had the same problem. I called spooky tooth they said take out the cable and barrel then pull out the needle it has 5 notches that the e-clip goes on, if you move the clip down it will richen and up will lean it out. I made mine richer now it runs good. I hope this helps.
HOT WHEELS,.wee..wee. .wee..wee.
Making it richer stoped the leaking fuel? why is that? Will give it a try. Also, my throttle cable seems to be longer than the jacket, the adjustments dont have enough to taunt it, Any Ideas?

Well, I took my cns carb apart, and in one of the corners there is small hole that goes through it and there is a rige on the exterior of the casting, it leaks through there, must be a hairline crack, because I see no visible cracks, but it leaks. Guess I dont even get to use my cns carb. Anyone know what the port is used for, it seems to have something to do with the choke? or air flow, not sure, maybe I can plug it inside the bowl? Well, I guess I need to contact spooky tooth :(


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how big is this I want to get the Manic machnics intake Manifold. but i have a small space to work in. would you mind measuring this for me?
If you can't get the stock carb working right, you aren't going to get a more complicated one tuned either. If you are going to spend 50+ dollars on another carb, buy a real carb, like a mikuni, or del'orto. You are going to have to tune the carb to your engine anyway, why not get a good one that is tuneable.

Look on ebay for a 16-18 mm carb.

Have a look around this forum at all the CNS carb problems/help with tuning thread posts for further evidence.