Clutch ? ? ?


New Member
Went about ten miles on my new build, it started going slower and slower like it was losing power, Finally quit. Thought it was a case of another blown head gasket. Looked at the gasket and it seemed fine. Took the spark plug out to check commpression and thier was plently. But I noticed that even with the sparkplug out the back wheel was still really tuff to turn with the clutch engauged. Don't know if it's something in the clutch or something else. Any help would be appreciate.
Are you indicating that the rear wheel turns easily when the clutch is Disengaged?
I'm not sure if that's what you mean when you wrote that "the back wheel was still really tuff to turn with the clutch engauged". You could remove the master link and see if the problem is at the rear wheel or the engine. Check it out and let us know.
Sorry if I was unclear. If you take the sparkplug out,and with the clutch engaged, normally the rear wheel will turn fairly easy because all the compression is leaking out of the sparkplug hole. In my case, with the spark plug out and clutch engaged, it is still just as hard to turn the rear wheel as if the spakplug was still in the hole. The piston is still going up and down but it feels like something is tring to seize up.
If your clutch is engaged, you turning the back wheel should not move the piston at all. Right Guys. Or when you say engaged, you mean the clutch lever is being pulled in, right?
He means "engaged" or lever released.

I would check for a bearing problem. Start at the rear wheel with the chain removed as suggested.
I took the chain off and tried turning the motor over with a socket. It was really hard to turn at first but it broke free and seemed to turn over normally. Thought I had it fixed so I put it back togather and before I could get it cranked it locked up again. To break it free I sometimes have to turn it backwards. I have repeated this process 5 or 6 times with the same results, breaking it free only to have it lock up again. I'm going to tear this motor down to it's smallest pieces for my own educational purpose and hopefully I can find what's wrong and maybe fix it. In the Meanwhile, I have ordered a Grubee 80cc Skyhawk A.F. should be here in a few days. Hopefully I'll Have better luck with it.
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Sounds like you put plain gas with no oil into your motor. Your motor on plain gas is good for 10 miles or so before it will seize up. If you are able to turn the motor at all, squirt some 2 stroke oil or any oil of any kind into the spark plug hole and see if it will free up. Could be that the damage is done and you may need a new motor. But.. Maybe you will get lucky and free up the motor.
I also need some clutch help. mine is slipping. the back tire will turn slowly when the clutch is squeezed and locked. When i give it the gas and release clutch i get weak power at first, high rev low power. then it goes faster. How can i fix. Thank you in advance.brnot
Sounds like all you need to do is tighten your flower nut on your clutch pressure plate. I suspect my Zoom bike motor has a bad main bearing or something. I bought two of those Zoom motors. The first build was for my son. Liked to never got it to to run right, kept blowing head gaskets. By the time I got around to building my bike, the warranty was already out and the motor had never been out of the box.
You can't even get a Zoom motor now and thats probably a good thing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting the Skyhawk.
I also need some clutch help. mine is slipping. the back tire will turn slowly when the clutch is squeezed and locked. When i give it the gas and release clutch i get weak power at first, high rev low power. then it goes faster. How can i fix. Thank you in advance.brnot

Tighten the primary spring....look up in the search for Creative Engineerings adjustment of the clutch spring.
Thank you Mr. Fair.
Also- Turning the flower nut does nothing to help a slipping clutch, it's not a tension adjustment, it's a range of release adjustment. Don't start turning it.