Carb float failure!!!


New Member
Only an hour or so on this engine now.... Drove it today after work... got about 3 blocks away, when the engine quit. I looked down, and fuel was pouring out of the air intake. I shut off the tank fuel valve and pedaled home. I suspected the carb float was stuck. Took off the carb bowl to find that the float was full of fuel!!!! Anyone else heard of a leaking float? Looks like I will just buy a new float. Hope this isn't a common thing.

Yes, someone here just had the same problem (?) I wonder if we are going to see alot of faulty floats now :-{
Would be funny if the float was the only part made in usa.

It isn't of course.

Either seal this one up or get a new carb.....I hear there is a shortage of floats about now...hmmm...wonder why (?) :p

The carb is the item most defective on the China Girl Chengines.
Could be the ethanol in the gasoline nowadays. Gasoline containing ethanol, and contaminated with moisture is very unfriendly to plastic parts....Just a thought.....
Only issue with our carbs is that the metal ring the float pusheso n gets a little tweaked and lets some extra fuel in and it leaks a little. A simple removal and slight bending brings it right back.
The funny thing is that I cant seem to get the fuel out of the float. Cant find a visable crack anywhere... but a tiny amount of fuel seems to slowly seep out from the inside hole. I was thinking of drilling a tiny hole in it to suck out the fuel.... but what could I use to seal the float with?? I dont know any glue or material that would stand up to being submerged in gasoline.

I was thinking that my float failed from vibration, causing a hairline crack in it for fuel to seep in.

There are fuel proof epoxies. And indeed some folks have drained the float with an extra tiny hole. The trick may be getting all the oily fuel off the float for the epoxy to bond.

A new carb is $22, so don't kill yourself.
I was thinking of making a float out of cork material.. What does anyone think? At least it wont fill up with fuel.

Cork? Not a good idea, it will get tore up from moving around and deposit bits of junk in your carb clogging your jet. If you can clean out your old one and find the hole you can use a soldering iron or equivalent to melt the hole closed.
Yes, cork will not work.....They do have plastic welding kit's at Harbor frieght...but I think a new carb is even cheaper then that.