Cannibal on a budget

I'm smitten by the Nirve Cannibal/Switchblade bikes but can't afford to be bitten by the price. I'm not keen to lay out several hundred dollars for a new bicycle and then start cutting on it.

After much searching, I found this. Probably made on the same production line as the Nirve bikes.

I don't care that it's a single speed, nor do I care that it doesn't have a fancy design on the saddle...ect.

Does anyone know how to find one of these in the USA?
Thanks VMB. I've been watching my local CL listings but Nirve dealers are few and far between here in northeastern Ohio, hence even fewer used ones for sale.
What's up with this nonsense about expecting everything you find on line being available in the US? The world's become a small place thanks to the internet and PayPal.
Want my two-penn'orth? (that's cents worth to most of you folks on this forum). I'm located in the UK and I purchased the frame, tank and springer forks for my first motorized bike build earlier this year direct from an on-line Chinese seller. And only two weeks ago I bought a superb set of girder forks and a stainless exhaust muffler for my next build from two different on-line sellers in Taiwan, one of which was on Alibaba, where you saw that Nirve Switchblade copy advertised. No problem whatsoever encountered with these purchases - and shipping was ultra fast, taking less than a week.
If you really are interested in making a purchase, just e-mail the seller. In my experience they'll probably respond by return and have no problem catering for your needs.

Sorry if my question and/or the fact that I live in the USA and/or the fact that I'm an American offends you. I'm well aware of PayPal and international purchasing (I've purchased from the Pacific rim through both Ebay and Amazon).

My thought was someone in the US may have bought a quantity of them and would be easier to deal with in the event of shipping damage or other defect.

I immediately emailed the manufacturer about purchasing one of these, but it seems like they're set up for large minimum purchases (like a container full).

Thank you for the dressing down because of my choice of purchasing from a reseller in my native country. It seems I somehow deserved it?
After a couple of weeks of emailing back and forth with the manufacturer over minimum purchase amounts then the possibility of getting a "sample", I've given up.

It's either buy a 40 foot container of bicycles or pay them $983 for one "sample". The bicycles themselves are $85 each either way.

For a communist nation they sure have capitalism down pretty well.