Can only run engine with choke open?


New Member
Hey all, I just finally finished putting a 4 stroke grubee on my bike (seller called it woodpecker, if that makes any difference) Today I finally gassed it up, and was ready to give it a ride, starting went fine and I was able to turn the choke off and have the engine run. I shut it down with the killswitch a few seconds later as I noticed I had a fuel leak (These kits come with horrible fuel valves, that or something is causing the fuel in the line to back up out of the line)

I rigged something up really simply so the fuel wouldn't leak onto the engine, opened the choke and started it up again, but this time the engine died when I shut the choke off, and the same thing happens every time I try to start it up again. I assumed it could have been because of the cold but even after letting it idle with the choke on for over a minute it would still die with the choke off.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong, or if its related to the fuel leaking back out of the line? I would have continued to try and fix it tonight, but my pull cord came out as well...

Please someone help me fix this 330 dollar disaster :(
It's been a while but here goes nothing.. Under idle screw is a black(jet). Remove idle screw then remove the black plastic piece under idle screw. Be carful not to lose little place washer. Take a look inside it is problem clogged. Blow it out and try again to start. Those carbs are very finikie... Do a search of this doesn't fix the problem ....good luck
Welcome to the forum.

Usually, if a motor only runs with the choke on, and dies when you take the choke off, it compensating for an air leak. Usually around the intake/carburetor.