Cabin fever- the worst ever.

I tried the meds and all they did for me was make me tired and zone me out. I was actually afraid of driving my kids around because I couldn't focus. Mabye I couldn't find the right meds but some swear by them. I try to have a few hobbies I cycle through and still get cabin fever and feel out of my mind. I'm still working on finding something that works for me and I'm sure you can figure it out too. Ohio sucks, I know I'm here too but we'll just have to make the best of the nice weather when it rolls around.
Well, I was rubbing it in, but we'll pay our dues this summer. We have our own cabin fever except it's in the summer.
110 degrees, at 10 PM. Ten weeks unending 100 plus temps. Dry heat? Not after July 4th. That's when the nasty monsoon storms hit, providing a little brief relief. The days after the 4th of July though are muggy and over 100. Did I mention the disease carrying mosquitoes? The rattlesnakes? The killer bees? Setting down a wrench out in the sun, not being able to touch it with bare hands five minutes later?
All that and more, stay tuned friends we're in for another sweltering summer. The ants told me. :D
Haha i'm up in northeast ohio with ya. And this weather really sucks. A few warm days got my hopes up and i road all of them :) then... it snows again. Its too cold to work on the bike out in the garage.. Door is froze shut.. So i layed down a tarp and brought the bike inside. Took everything apart and cleaned it and got it ready for spring :) thats just the "buddy bike" whoever ends up riding with me that day rides that.
Yeah Joe, I know where you're coming from. It's funny that you said "re-light my fire". On my last couple rides, it was under 40 degrees. There's a park in town with a bench alongside the river. I built a nice fire and drank a 6-pack. Very enjoyable. That's one good thing about colder weather. Building a campfire in the summer don't sound so fun.
Got down to 6 here last night! I will ride again when it's warm.....I did get out on my 10 speed for awhile and it was nice, found two garbage bags full of aluminum cans that fell off somebodys truck...WOOT!

Waiting until the warmer weather to motorbicycle though.
Dang Joe! It was 91 yesterday and today should be 89.

I think any day now I will see Willbert roaming the yard, when he comes out you know spring is here.
Who's Willbert? A gila monster?

Sunny and 30 today.....supposed to be partly cloudy with a chance of depression tomorrow... ;)
This is Willbert


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The Third Picture Looks Like A Highly Modified High Speed Tortoise!!HE SEEMS TO BE TURNING SOME RPM. lafflaff WHAT KIND OF DIET IS "TORKY" ON??

What ever he finds in the yard...sometimes I give him lettuce.

They say they need a large area to find enough food? He just showed up one day and never has left. I have a feeling he was somebody's pet and not wild. He has dug himself a nice big hole under the concrete slab of my shed. Thats where he spends the winter..he will be out soon.
Torky looks like a stud! We have Tooga in our backyard, she might be needing a date this spring. I'll have to research this...
One of my customers has a breeding situation in their yard, last time I was there, about seventy little ones about 3 inches long. :D
Well, I was rubbing it in, but we'll pay our dues this summer. We have our own cabin fever except it's in the summer.
110 degrees, at 10 PM. Ten weeks unending 100 plus temps. Dry heat? Not after July 4th. That's when the nasty monsoon storms hit, providing a little brief relief. The days after the 4th of July though are muggy and over 100. Did I mention the disease carrying mosquitoes? The rattlesnakes? The killer bees? Setting down a wrench out in the sun, not being able to touch it with bare hands five minutes later?
All that and more, stay tuned friends we're in for another sweltering summer. The ants told me. :D

Hah, I hear you there. I've had some miserable summers in AZ. it's just too much.

Weather's been nice here lately, 50-60. I'd still like a little snow, but you take what you can get I guess.

Well, I did get some snow last weekend, but it was almost all gone by noon.
Sorry to hear Ahio is getting ya down Joe. It's been a banger of a winter for me here on the bottom end of the state too. But I'm beginning to think it's in the alignment of the stars and planets or
something this year.

On another message board I frequent there's this girl in the Philippines I IM with some. She list her location under her avatar as "Paradise". But she's got the blues also and lives for me sending photos of the ice and snow around here. She wishes she could be here to see an actual winter wonderland and experience snow and 0 degree weather. She says it's almost always tropical beach weather where she is. LOL Hard to imagine that getting anyone down. I'll have to ask her if they run Alaskan vacation ad's on TV there this time of year.

Have you ever checked out that SAD's (seasonal affective disorder condition) ? They treat it by having people get up early and sit around in a brightly lit room. I guess it makes you think
it's spring when you do that.

Things have to be tough for everyone this winter. I hear the groundhog even bit one of his handlers. Their rousting him out of his warm cozy burrow for the glimpse of his silly shadow in this years weather was bound to cost someone their blood on the snow. Small wonder he didn't bite into them and pray for lockjaw with all those flash cameras going off in his face. I couldn't faced that without a cup of coffee myself.

So, chin up....heck, even the groundhog had attitude this winter.
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In Canada our groundhog is Wiarton Willy from Wiarton ontario. My question is why cant we have a western version and a female like Melanie mountain--why should us westerners always be influenced by the east--let them have 6 months more winter i want spring now!!
Today went back to winter--2 inches snow minus 12 celsius


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In Canada our groundhog is Wiarton Willy from Wiarton ontario. My question is why cant we have a western version and a female like Melanie mountain--why should us westerners always be influenced by the east--let them have 6 months more winter i want spring now!!
Today went back to winter--2 inches snow minus 12 celsius

Around here, there aren't groundhogs to be found because everyone kills and eats them!
Don't worry about us "Easterners", eh, we got about 10 inches today and it's already below zero......again!

I've always found that if the winters are really bad, then Spring has a much deeper impact when it comes, at least for me anyhow. It's like the dawning of a new day which causes me to shout even louder, than if we have a mild one.

Pretty soon the weather is going to break and this winter will be left in history.
"if the winters are really bad, then Spring has a much deeper impact when it comes"

Like the joke:
Why are you banging your head on the wall? Because it feels so good when I stop.

We had a "warm" day here Wed. (Feb 25). In the 40's F. I took a little (non-motored) bike ride to Plum Creek in Beecher/Crete. Every place off of the pavement was slop. The top 6 inches were thawed, but underneath was frozen. Now it's back to highs in the 20's.

I wish it would hit 60 tomorrow, but we really need it to warm up gradually (normally), otherwise we'll have flooding around here. I know it is asking a lot to warm up gradually from winter to spring to summer. But I am willing to pay. I've heard of some American weather control conspiracies. Provide me a month of perfect riding weather; I'll give a Benjamin ($100).
Hey ...ladies I live in northeast Indiana, and if you let me know when you are standing in your front yard I bet I can hit you with a frozen road apple .