British Automobiles

When I was a kid the neighbor across the street had a Saab 96. Thing was such a heap the doors were literally held on with strap hinges! We always called it the "Saad Saab". Heck I still call them Saad Saabs to this day. laff
Fasteddy looks like you had a real bonepile there...probably worth a few Gs today.
Did that old hearse have a V12 flathead engine? I had an old beer drinking buddy that had a 1937 Lincoln Zephyr with a V12. The steering wheel was about 21/2 ft in diameter and 10 turns locked the lock if it wasn't for the guff knob you couldn't get it around a corner. The old V12 had real low oil pressure but still ran like a champ. I think my next 'new' old car will have chrome bumpers. Seen a driver get smacked with an old Caddy... that little plastic car broke up into 1000s pieces anda that Caddy didn't even have a scratch on it... fortunately no one was hurt. I think of some of these new cars as rolling coffins. I guess I'm just old school.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning how to dance in the rain.
Hey buzzard,
It sure is good to be home. In about an hour I'm leaving on a fishing trip with my brother and a neighbor... about an hour traveling on big Lake Vermilion and then over to Trout Lake for another hour or so. I've been swimming in my lake (Eagles Nest #3), but this will be the first time on the water... awesome. I get in a boat and listen to the engine, smell the exhaust a bit, all that water and beautiful shoreline... loons and mallards and now and then a Heron lifting off like a pterodactyl from another age and I am a happy boy again. Hope to be eating Walleye this evening! Thanks for your help in getting me here, Bud.

Hey SilverBear, you got any muskie up there? My Dad's dying to bag a muskie before he croaks! I'll have to post some pics of my fully restored 18' Starcraft! Oops! Thread Drift!
Buzzard, not so lucky. Flat head V8 Cadillac and a 3 speed. Had 22,000 miles when we got it. Payed $150 in 1965.
Most I payed for any of them that were in the back yard except the Vauxhall. It was $1,800 and was GM's run at VW in Canada.
Guess they figured that the US was to smart too buy into the BS. If you put the two cars together You still had junk.

Hey SilverBear, you got any muskie up there? My Dad's dying to bag a muskie before he croaks! I'll have to post some pics of my fully restored 18' Starcraft! Oops! Thread Drift!
Since this thread started out as a drift from the original one I don't suppose it much matters. Yes there are musky in some of the lakes up here. I never lived on a lake with them, so never fished for them. Also they require a good bit of patience to catch. They are more for sport fishermen, where I'm mostly interested in catching fish to eat; walleye, panfish, small mouth and large mouth bass, northern pike (if cleaned well with a boneless fillet). I'd trade a big musky for a bunch of nice bluegill any day of the week... much better eating. We had some nice fish last evening which were filleted an hour after they were caught and kept in a live well, then cooked within minutes of being cleaned. Nothing better in my opinion. Musky and northern pike are both in the barracuda family and are terrific fighters. Great being on the water and in the wilderness... and what I did when I got home was go for a motored bike ride through the forest. Life is good...