Brand New Will Not Run

I replaced the cheap clear fuel hose with a good black one from the auto parts store and used a hose clamp to crimp it on. That clear hose hardened up after a few weeks and got loose and leaky.
Use medium strength Loc-Tite 242 blue.
Do not use High strength 271 red. If the stud were to break, you will never get the remains out of the case if you used red.
There should be a small pin in the cover that fits into a groove in the release cam.
If you take the sprocket cover off and look at the back side of it, about half way up on the boss that the release cam fits into there is a small hole. There should be a metal pin epoxied in that hole. A small nail that fits the hole well, cut down to proper length and re-epoxied in place should fix it. Use just enough epoxy over the hole to hold the pin in place, do not epoxy inside the hole.
32:1 is your oil to fuel ratio. That has very little to do with running too lean.
Too lean means that the air/ fuel ratio has too much air, not enough fuel.
The oil to fuel ratio does have an effect on the carburetor setting, but one should not use it to correct a fault in the carburetor jet needle clip setting or main jet sizing.
I just installed a new 2stroke 66cc engine. When I take off the engine fires up but I get no power and the bike slows to a stop. When I engage the clutch it dies out fast. Everything is new and installed correctly. Can anyone help please?