Brakes! How are yours?

Yeah after searching online I could not find anything that mounted there. I will just have to drop them lower. I am calling it a night, it's been a long day.
I have a nirve classic, Shift kit, and a nexus inter 3sp hub on the rear. when i added the shift kit made my coaster unable to work because of the front freewheel. i would like to keep that rear hub and some how set up a roller or disc brake. Any ideas and if not where is the cheapest NuVinci.
the brake set in my pic was New in the bag from my local bike shop i just got them last week pretty sure they are pyramid brand it cost me $15
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Here's what I have done to extend them. Just need to clean them up and paint them.

I cut off the mounting part for the pads from another set and welded them. I may get rid of that center part loop if I need to but I made sure I measured them were I need them. I'd like to leave them in for strength but without them, I will have a lot of adjustment. Also doing it this way I will not have to pinch my fender in to clear the arms.

If it works great I will see if I can find another set and do the same to the front. I've got one pad that rubs the tire a little but the other side fits just fine? I have removed them and adjusted them every which way possible but never been able to get that one side to clear the tire completely.

I am running out of time and got to go to work soon so I will finish up tonight.


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Here's what I have done to extend them. Just need to clean them up and paint them.

I cut off the mounting part for the pads from another set and welded them. I may get rid of that center part loop if I need to but I made sure I measured them were I need them. I'd like to leave them in for strength but without them, I will have a lot of adjustment. Also doing it this way I will not have to pinch my fender in to clear the arms.

If it works great I will see if I can find another set and do the same to the front. I've got one pad that rubs the tire a little but the other side fits just fine? I have removed them and adjusted them every which way possible but never been able to get that one side to clear the tire completely.

I am running out of time and got to go to work soon so I will finish up tonight.
It will be interesting to see what effect this has on clamping force. Extending the moment arm will, IMHO, decrease the force applied to the pads. You might not notice it but then again I believe it will require a harder pull on your brake lever to get the same clamping force you would have with the original length pad holders. I might have explored fabricating a mount for the whole caliper that would weld or bolt to the frame thereby retaining the original geometery and getting the pads down where you needed them. Keep us informed.
its a small extension should be able to adjust the clamping force with cable adjustments just keep the pads as close to the rim at rest as you can.
The brakes work great! It really stops fast especially when you use all three, front brake, rear brake, and coaster brake. What an improvement!

Tomorrow I will test them going down hill, did a few today but tomorrow I will go up Sentinel Peak to see how well they really work.

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Oh yeah, I can adjust the bias just fine with the cable adjustment at the lever...and if I need to go anymore I can do it at the brakes as well. Right now I have it about 40/60 and I kinda like it there, 50/50 feels pretty good too.

Congrats Fair,
Another insurmountable problem solved with superior intellegence and perseverance.
And it looks good too. Let us know how it goes on the big hill...but be careful.
id like to do a disc brake conversion on a front rim on the cheap......i found some adapters that use the spoke holes in the hub to mount but you need new spokes due to the new flange thickness

the ones i found were aluminum but if i could find some steel ones i could weld them onto some large flange hubs and not mess with the spokes....i just dont know if they come in steel and i know i cant make any

mounts on the forks are the easy part.....its mounting the disc without buying a new hub


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well sctratch that idea....i got this bike off ebay so im gunna use the wheels and calipers

only prob is the disc mounts thread onto the hub so im gunna have to mount the sprocket using the 9 bolt kit........i know it says 36 spoke rim but ya think ill have any trouble with 48 spokes?

the black bike is the one i plan on installing the motor and brakes onto

edit: nm the rims are 36 spoke....yay!.....and they have no-more flat tubes


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Upgraded to avid bb7 203mm rotors.


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I finally got around to re building my front wheel. So now I HAVE brakes. Just a coaster brake in traffic is pretty scary. The drum doesn't work as well as I thought it would but it's adequate in combo with the coaster. I think it will get better when the shoes "run in " a little.


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I have a nirve classic, Shift kit, and a nexus inter 3sp hub on the rear. when i added the shift kit made my coaster unable to work because of the front freewheel. i would like to keep that rear hub and some how set up a roller or disc brake. Any ideas and if not where is the cheapest NuVinci.

ive been riding brakeless since ive had my bike haha coaster brake got messed up and im to broke to buy any brakes so its the good ol foot :D
Anybody with a Raleigh SC30 with front disc brakes?

I added the front forks to my Della Cruz and would like to add front disc brakes.

I have found several disc brake kits from $49 - $200, but I have no ideal if they would fit my front forks.

If you have a SC 30 I would like to know what they are and also the wheel that you are using hoping that would help me in finding a kit that would work.

The front forks are a Omni 781 CL6 RST Design.

How do I figure out out if I need a 160mm or 180mm rotor?

Here is two that I am looking at, but I have no ideal if it will work TEKTRO AURIGA HYDRAULIC DISC BRAKE OE at - Avid Mechanical BB7 Disc Brake 160mm

If any body has any advice I would love to hear it.
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