Brake upgrade for shift kit


New Member
Hi guys,

Haven't been on the forum for a while, bike needed repairs and got busy with work, glad to be back though.

Anyway, I put a shift kit on my bike with a 7 speed freewheel gearset a while back. Used the wrong width chain and turned my gearset into tubine fins. So, I thought since I was fixing things I might as well upgrade to a disc brake wheelset and add disc brakes while I was at it (since it would take me 1/2 block to stop from full speed with the caliper brakes I had).

I had a 6 speed freewheel laying around and figured I'd use that since I never ever use more than 3 speeds when I'm riding (1st, somewhere between 1st and high, and high gear). I'm getting a wee bit more top speed out of the 6 speed freewheel since high gear has less teeth than the 7 speed.

I found a nice set of used Avid BB5 disc brakes on Craigslist CHEAP! I bought 2 adapters Disc Brake Bracket Billet - Choppers U.S., LLC to mount the brakes. The adapters are made for 180mm rotors so I had to buy 2 of those (God Bless and a 2 new super skinny chains for the 6 speed freewheel (stretch cruiser extra long, took 2 lengths of chain).

Mounting the rear disc brake adapter took a little cutting and grinding on my frame to get it to mount right and since the adapter made it so I had to move my rear wheel back some from it's dead stop I built an adjuster for the gear side of the axel so the rear wheel wouldn't come out of alignment.

What a difference the disc brakes make. Hardly have to pull at all on my dual brake lever and stopping is FAST and easy. The bike HAULS A$$ with the shift kit and am always on the lookout for the po-po. Used to call my bike the "Death Cycle" cause it was so hard to stop, now I just call it my "Red Rider". Here's a few pics of the new set up.

redriderdisc.jpg reargear.jpg rearbrake.jpg
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Welcome back from your self-imposed hiatus / build upgrade on your Stretch!

Man this build is beautiful very interesting to see disc brake set up, as a Stretch builder myself I can say from experience stopping a Stretch cruiser is like trying to stop a runaway train! This disc brake upgrade is for sure to inspire other Stretch Cruiser Builders

Max if you like maybe you can start a new thread or just bring us all up to date on this build on and old thread from this build, I like to call it the ( Build Brake Down List), when you started this build, where you got it ie bike, motor, other parts & accessories. The Who, What, Where, When & How! In the new Stretch Cruiser & Chopper Lowrider forum!

Here's a similar Build Brake Down list from a fellow Stretch Cruiser builder & forum member:
Civlized Stretch Cruiser Build Link:

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Alabama
Posts: 472
Default Re: ATV 50cc Full Auto on a stretch!
Thanks guys! It really makes all of the griping I get from the old lady worth it when you say stuff like that.

Here's the list I came up with. If I left something out, sorry. Please ask if you have any questions.

Engine: Gio 50cc from Mini ATVs, Dirt Bikes, Electric Scooters, Dune Buggies, Parts in Canada, Cheap (Mini)ATVs, 4x4 ATVs, ATV Vehicles, ATV and Dirt Bike Parts Canada | GIO through ebay. Much cheaper, shipping also.
Exhaust, gasket, kill switch, fuel line, air filter, rectifier, starter relay, extra cdi, coil with plug wire: Hooper Imports Experts on Chinese Motorcycles and Parts, Engines
Left hand light switch and brake lever combo, right hand brake lever with switch: Scooter Parts: Chinese and Asian Scooter Parts, Wholesale Scooter parts, Parts for Dirt Bikes, ATV, Off-Road Kart Parts.
Chrome handlebar mirror mounts for 10mm stud mirrors: MG Cycle - Moto Guzzi Parts and Accessories available online at
Jackshaft kit and extra sprockets sizes 10-14t: BMI Karts and Supplies - Home
Headlight, taillight, mirrors, cable speedometer: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more
Saddlebags were salvaged from my motorcycle, sorry. I got them from - Motorcycle, Harley-Davidson, ATV, Dirt Bike, Snowmobile, PWC / Watercraft Parts, Apparel, and Accessories several years ago.
Chain tensioners and chain from Tractor Supply Company - Home
Tachometer: Dirt Bike, ATV and Motorcycle Parts & Gear | MotoSport - Official Site
1 gallon tank, heavy duty axle kit with freewheel, band brake, several sprockets: Bicycle Engines, Motorized Bicycles, Bicycle Motors, Motored Bikes: 2-Stroke & 4-Stroke Kits!
Wire, wire loom, connectors, heat shrink, wire ties, black hot glue sticks: Are You Ready? This place requires a business license. I set up an account when I installed car audio, alarms, and accessories professionally. Sorry if you don't have one. They rock!
Bicycle: - Bicycle Engine Kit - Gas Powered Bicycle - Bike Motor Kit - Bicycle Engines - Grubee - Bikeberry - Micargi Mustang
High heat primer and paint, metric bolts and such, bulbs for headlight, taillight, turn signals, horn: local auto parts stores
Wheels from donor bike picked up at walmart.

Peace Crazy Horse
PS Max have you seen civlized's build using a chinese cloned horizontal 4-stroke honda motor, these motors were used on the Honda CT 70 Trail Bikes, which you and I remember from back in the day.



Thanks for the compliments guys.

Hadn't seen you around for a while Crazy Horse, thought you fell off the pavement. Glad to see you back too...thanks for your interest in a complete build list. If you do a search of my posts you can probably find all you want to know. Have been posting updates on upgrades as I've done them.
Thanks for the compliments guys.

Hadn't seen you around for a while Crazy Horse, thought you fell off the pavement. Glad to see you back too...thanks for your interest in a complete build list. If you do a search of my posts you can probably find all you want to know. Have been posting updates on upgrades as I've done them.


Just wanted to say your Stretch Build is inspiring I'm sure for all of us Stretch Builder Veterans, and especially for the newbies.

When we share a build list with our forum members and visitor's it makes it so much easier for all of us when we want to start a new build or upgrade an existing build!

Just wanted to say I always appreciate the fact that you and many forum members are always willing to share their talent and knowledge for the greater motorbicycling community!!!

That Disc Brake Upgrade of yours is in my opinion OUTSTANDING!

Awesome bike Max!
I was very interested to see your shift kit completely on the inside of the frame,
How did you mount it, and do you have pics? I want to do the same thing but in a different shaped frame.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

Hadn't seen you around for a while Crazy Horse, thought you fell off the pavement. Glad to see you back too...thanks for your interest in a complete build list. If you do a search of my posts you can probably find all you want to know. Have been posting updates on upgrades as I've done them.

I'm check the forum from time to time Max, and when someone is asking for information about SBP Shift kits and disc brake setup for Stretch Cruisers I suggest your Thread.

Peace C.H.
that bike is sharp . I decided to build mine right from the get go with disc brakes . It's good to go fast but better to be able to stop !