From this to this...


New Member
Earned a shift kit and motor kit from a custom build I did for a guy. Decided it was time to upgrade my slow cruisin' stretch to a fast and low racer. So I replaced the 40cc motor with a bigger one, pirated the derailer and rear hub from my Schwinn Jaguar, found a cool front wheel w/ treadless tire in the alley, added caliper brakes, traded the ape hangers for some drag bars (had to cut all my cables shorter) and found some cool pinstripe decals at a bike shop.

Haven't got it up to top speed yet. As close to the ground as this bike puts me, 40 mph is scarey enough. I know with a good back wind I could hit close to 50 mph (helmet required)!

From this... To this...
Hurricane1.jpg Deathcycle.jpg

GAWD I love this hobby!​

Edited 12/13: Rains finally stopped long enough to take this little racer out on it's trials. Good googly moogly, w/ a shift kit and 7 speed hub this bike is SCAREY fast . MUST upgrade the brakes...takes FOREVER to stop with these little caliper brakes.
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Very nice improvement!! I was under the impression that the SBP jack shaft had to mount to the seat tube. Am I mistaken... or did you do some fab work to it?
Post a pic with you on the bike. I would like to see your stance with the seat way back and the bars straight. Looks way cool.
Very nice improvement!! I was under the impression that the SBP jack shaft had to mount to the seat tube. Am I mistaken... or did you do some fab work to it?

"little bit o' fab work". Have a frame welded bottom mount for motor (pretty sturdy). Just added my own version of a chain tensioner for the shift kit.

tensioner.jpg some paint on the sprockets...will have to fix that...
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Post a pic with you on the bike. I would like to see your stance with the seat way back and the bars straight. Looks way cool.

You mean my "goin' really fast" stance or my "pedal casually cause the cops are close stance"?

Ok, got someone to take a piccy today. Not the best angle and me being 6'2" and 200 lbs. makes it look like a little kiddy bike but here it is...


P.S. Sorry bout the dirty pants...I'm a workin' man!
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see the grin on the kid in the background, i love that. Nice sweet bike

Ya know, it's all about location.

In the beach area where I used to live I'm a fricken celebrity. I moved up to Rancho Bernardo where people say to themselves "there goes that weirdo on that noisy bicycle".

It's MUCH more fun to ride around the beach area...

You should try to come to our LA ride on Jan 10th!

I'd LOVE to. Send me more details
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Awesome work Max. Art, 4sure. Did you fab the bent seat post?

It's a "modified" stock layback post. Cut the support bracket so it'd fit further down the tube. Support has a rubber "foot" on it and rests on the bike frame. Did'ja know, the closer to the ground the faster you feel like you're going?

Btw, GREAT vid on YouTube. Got goose pimples watching it!
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Kool! I really wanted to try one of the supported ones but would have been uncomfortably tall. 2Door made me a solid one. Dunno if you have seen it. could carry about 1200 LBS down a bumpy dirt road unharmed. I would like to offer them with kits 'cause they really do make MB ridding so much better. They really do. wouldn't be easy sell for what it would cost to produce solid ones.

I think they are the best bang for the buck comfort upgrade there is

Thanks big time about the vid. Used windows movie maker. Really easy once I got used to it. Can shorten or lengthen the time a pic shows so it fits with the lyrics. Is free with MS OS's or can be downloaded as a standalone. Windows Movie Maker (Windows Vista) - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Great Freebe. Not just 'cause it's free (although that don't hurt, )