Boycott Monster Energy Drinks


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
I have four kids in the house, so all I got in the fridge is milk and juice. I've cut back to one cup of coffee per day. But we're talking KILLER coffee: filtered water, fresh ground beans, brewed with great care. The trouble is worth it for me.

Monster charges an arm and a leg for that funky tasting stuff. It makes me twitchy and makes my heart skip a beat. I had it once, and couldn't bring myself to drink it again. And, on top of it all, they have insecurity issues about their logo? Yeah, I don't feel the need to support them with my money.
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New Member
May 31, 2012
new caney TX
would like to say as a monster employee that if you quit buying monster then i will have no money for MB parts - :( also would like to say i love the stuff and drink lots of it daily with 0 problems - just wanted to put that out there

drink monster
unleash the beast
keep it brutal
\m/ >.< \m/


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
would like to say as a monster employee that if you quit buying monster then i will have no money for MB parts - :( also would like to say i love the stuff and drink lots of it daily with 0 problems - just wanted to put that out there

drink monster
unleash the beast
keep it brutal
\m/ >.< \m/
I think your job is safe. Here in Indy, I see a lot of people drinking Monster. I still like coffee better, myself. To each his own I suppose.
And I still think Monster needn't worry so much about where their logo pops up. People love that wicked logo. (I may not like the drink, but I do think that logo is way cool.) Having it show up in unplanned locations...that's almost like free advertising, isn't it? Whatever happened to imitation being the sincerest form of flattery? As long as somebody isn't selling their own drinks and blatantly labeling them Monster, or marketing fake Harley Davidsons, or selling bootleg Rolling Stones albums, it can be hard to see if they intended any kind of harm.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
Someone gave me a can of an energy drink once - not Monster, it was the 'Official Drink of the BC Lions' - and I tried it. Three swallows in the rest went down the drain.

I work for a large battery company. I've tasted battery acid. If I was dying of thirst I'd drink it before drinking that.

In the meantime, I think I'll stick to riding MABs, tea and too much sugar to keep my heart racing.


New Member
Mar 25, 2011
Anyone who drinks that Monster crap or any other "Energy Drink" needs their head examined. Just take a look at the ingredients list and you should know why, pure chemicals in that stuff. Boycott them all for the sake of your health! Not to mention they taste horrid!


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
I never drank monster that I can remember, but I have drank NOS and Red Bull. I love the taste of energy drinks, and also, who cares who sues who. There are enough different products out there to choose from, let people drink what they want to. I dont really care anymore what big business does, because we all have to get the things we need or want from one place or another, and for every 10 people that boycott a product, there are 1,000 people still using it. Your money will always end up in somebody else's pocket eventually anyway. You might care about the practices of the businesses whose products you buy, but what if the employees whose paychecks your dollars are going to are going out and spending it on crack or heroin or meth or whatever? do you care about that? even if you do, you can't stop it. if we worried if our money was going to honest people, we may as well not buy anything at all.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I never drank monster that I can remember, but I have drank NOS and Red Bull. I love the taste of energy drinks, and also, who cares who sues who. There are enough different products out there to choose from, let people drink what they want to. I dont really care anymore what big business does, because we all have to get the things we need or want from one place or another, and for every 10 people that boycott a product, there are 1,000 people still using it. Your money will always end up in somebody else's pocket eventually anyway. You might care about the practices of the businesses whose products you buy, but what if the employees whose paychecks your dollars are going to are going out and spending it on crack or heroin or meth or whatever? do you care about that? even if you do, you can't stop it. if we worried if our money was going to honest people, we may as well not buy anything at all.
Exactly why I despise taxes... of all kinds.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Anyone watching the news? 5 deaths possibly attributed to Monster. Ha, what goes around comes around. Let's see their lawyers wiggle now.

Funny, NBC had a special report on those kinds of 'energy drinks' tonight and they strategically put the big Monster can right out front of the others where everyone could see it.



New Member
May 13, 2012
ronkonkoma, new york
i drink green monster and dont care who they sue at 2 AM when im doing a show i also drink green gridlock energy i prefer the gridlock because i can get a 12 pack for $12
try staying up 24-36 hours on coffee


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
I drink 5 hour energy. A lot of people say it doesnt work for them, but it works for me. Its safer than other energy drinks too, because those pounders have a lot of chemicals in them that aren't good for you in large quanitities.


New Member
May 13, 2012
ronkonkoma, new york
5 hour lasts me maybe 2 at most a monster or gridlock lasts me 3-4 so its 12 5 hours or it 5-6 monster/gridlock and 5 hours are not that cheap for that little thing some nights i buy the BFC monster with the twist top then its only 3 of them and i can sip on them