Boost bottles


LORD VADER Moderator
Guys I've tried the boost bottles on 2 of my bikes and I've decided they are not worth the trouble of installing. I've made them in different sizes and shapes and made an adjustable one. I'm through using them and I've welded shut the hole in the manifold on one of my engines and plugged the other one. I'm off the bottle for me. I'm not trying to talk anyone of you out of trying these but if you decide in the end you don't like them you will have to seal the hole up with something or buy a different intake manifold. I made my own so the cost was just my time.
Guys I've tried the boost bottles on 2 of my bikes and I've decided they are not worth the trouble of installing. I've made them in different sizes and shapes and made an adjustable one. I'm through using them and I've welded shut the hole in the manifold on one of my engines and plugged the other one. I'm off the bottle for me. I'm not trying to talk anyone of you out of trying these but if you decide in the end you don't like them you will have to seal the hole up with something or buy a different intake manifold. I made my own so the cost was just my time.

couldn't have said it any better myself
Guys I've tried the boost bottles on 2 of my bikes and I've decided they are not worth the trouble of installing. I've made them in different sizes and shapes and made an adjustable one. I'm through using them and I've welded shut the hole in the manifold on one of my engines and plugged the other one. I'm off the bottle for me. I'm not trying to talk anyone of you out of trying these but if you decide in the end you don't like them you will have to seal the hole up with something or buy a different intake manifold. I made my own so the cost was just my time.

Hello Norman,
New guy here on the forum, but long time motorized bike rider. I just joined the forum a few days ago and have been searching thru pages looking for boost bottle references and here it is.
I have been running a boost bottle on my setup and it works great. I had a couple of other people ride it, that have stock motorized bikes, and they could really tell an increase in power. I got mine from Boost Bottle Industries and they are matched to the 69.x cc that my "80cc" chinese engine volume is at and all I can say it WoW, what a difference. Just sharing my experience of what I have on my bike. I have a youtube video of it here: YouTube - Quarkdude's Boost Bottle Motorized Bike 2008

You can see and hear it run. (p)


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how does the boost bottle work? i see on the company's page that they have NOS and the Boost bottles i understand the shot of the NOS going in but how does the boost bottle work? ...just curious:p
Here is the explanation provided from Bosst Bottle Industries:

It's function is to absorb & release pressure pulses within the intake vein, assisting engine breathing. Now an explanation of exactly what goes on involves a lot of physics and a good understanding of fluid dynamics & pressure zones, but can be explained rather easily. During the intake stroke, air is sucked through the intake manifold and into the port at a considerable velocity. Because of this velocity, the air is said to have relative inertia. Now, when the intake valve closes, the kinetically charged air suddenly has nowhere to go, creating a high-pressure area. Naturally, the air wants to release its pressure in the easiest way possible, so it tries to shoot back out the way it came, creating a pressure wave in the opposite direction we want it. Then no sooner dose the wave begin to travel, the intake valve suddenly opens again leaving the motor to try and pull the pressure wave back in again. This dramatically effects low RPM, wastes energy and kills low-end performance. Now the same engine, but with a BOOST BOTTLE. Air goes whistling down the manifold until the intake valve closes. The air, still all charged up with energy tries to escape back up the manifold but is met with a small port that has a residual vacuum. This vacuum being caused by the previous suction of the intake stroke, sucks most of the pulse inside the Boost Bottle, storing much of the pulse’s energy. The intake valve then suddenly opens, creating a low-pressure area outside of the Boost Bottle. The gasses then shoot out of the Boost Bottle, directly into the intake system as a pressure pulse, instead of having to be pulled in by the piston. More air is then also pulled in from the manifold to completely fill the cylinder… Thus giving you an additional boost of power.

I was sceptical at first, but tried one and now have them on both of my 2-strokers. IMO, they are worth the money, but I do like getting everyone's experiences. The "boost" could just be in my imagination:)
Boost bottles definition

Hello autocyler,

I was just going to go to boost bottle industries website and copy the info you just did. It really does explain how the bootle works. The boost bottle I have on my bike always gets questioned, asking if I have nitrous and I just laugh and then explain what it does and they ususally go ---Ohh. It really works well, but the magic of it all is to have the boost bottle volume exactly the same as the engine cylinder volume. Too much bottle and your performance can go down. Not enough boost bottle and the performance is really not increased. Boost bottle industries has really got it dialed in, if you are interested in installing one of these ( I have the boost bottle industries bottle on my bike ) I can tell you first hand these things really work ( because thay are volume matched to our china engines.
........Thanks, quarkdude:)
i have a brand new one in the box and never had time to install and moving to st croix and gonna build a 4 stroke so not taking with me. if anyone wants it just pm me a fair offer. it is for a 70cc
Yeah, but that explanation says "intake valve" and "exhaust valve" we don't have those. Also, how does the cylinder's volume have anything to do with it? The volume of air in the manifold is not the same as the cylinder's volume.

How do you have "residual vacuum" when the other air in the same place is supposedly under pressure?!?

That "scientific explanation" is a bunch of crap.
Yeah, but that explanation says "intake valve" and "exhaust valve" we don't have those. Also, how does the cylinder's volume have anything to do with it? The volume of air in the manifold is not the same as the cylinder's volume.

How do you have "residual vacuum" when the other air in the same place is supposedly under pressure?!?

That "scientific explanation" is a bunch of crap.

Hello Bikeguy,
This is my explanation of how it works - just think of it as a Supercharger for a 2-stroke ( atomized fuel supercharger )
The intake pulse that is felt between the cyclinder and the carb when -off the throttle or when the piston is down covering the intake port between the engine and the intake manifold causes air to try to go back out thru the carburetor - it has no place to go but back out. The boost bottle gives that intake pulse atomized fuel a place to go and be stored in the momentary condition. Then when the throttle is open, the regular carburetor to intake air fuel mixture + what is stored in the boost bottle is sucked into the engine and you get some what of a supercharger effect. The atomized fuel going into the boost bottle is in a gas form so it is easily "digested" by the engine when it comes back out of the boost bottle. :)
I've been down the boost bootle trail myself. Did a lot of testing, and all in all its a waste of money you want to run one go ahead I'm not. I don't need them my bike is fast enough actually faster without one and it will ilde great. The guys on another forum think they are great I think they suck. My 2-cents.`
Hello Norman,
Sorry the boost bottle's didn't work on your setup. You are the first bike motorist that I have heard that said it didn't work, interesting. What altitude are you at? Is your jetting set right? Do you have a free flow air cleaner, modified exhaust. These things do contribute to the level of performance gain using a boost bottle. Do you have a picture of your setup? I'd like to check it out.
.......Thanks, quarkdude:D
I think we banged heads on a different forum. you can read my posts here and on the other forum for all the info you want about it and my feeling on these boost bottles.
Quarkdude for all of your questions look on this forum I have pictures of the bikes and pictures of the bottles. I live at 3200 ft. I built an adjustable boost bottle and I also cc'd the fixed ones I put alot of work into them and now I'm done with them I don't need one on my bike. I'm glad they work for you. The problems I found they DO cause are not worth the slight low end extra you talk about.
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Yeah, but if the charge has nowhere to go and wants to "back up" then where is the air that's in the boost bottle, and what is it doing? Does the boost bottle have a one way physics defeating checkvalve or something?
Hello Norman,
Sorry the boost bottle's didn't work on your setup. You are the first bike motorist that I have heard that said it didn't work, interesting. What altitude are you at? Is your jetting set right? Do you have a free flow air cleaner, modified exhaust. These things do contribute to the level of performance gain using a boost bottle. Do you have a picture of your setup? I'd like to check it out.
.......Thanks, quarkdude:D

Now I'm starting to get optimize your carb and spark, air cleaner, and exhaust and that's where the boost bottle gets it's performance from...rotfl
Are there verifiable, real world dyno figures to prove that a boost bottle ALONE will show horsepower or torque improvements?

If they work so well, why do no manufacturer's use them?
just from reading everything the idea of the boost bottle could work...BUT it would need two hoses and in and out... because it is saying it takes the air in and then when more are is pushed out the air already in is forced into the engine, but if there is the same amount of air going in as out wouldn't it cancle each other out. Basically is sounds like the idea of a turbo (not a supercharger since s/c is belt driven) where it take the air pushed out from the exhaust and force it back into the intake.... idk sounds plausible but i think it would need dual tubes....
Not to mention air isn't going to make a 90 degree turn and go into a closed end bottle when it would just go straight and out the open carb mouth!
Are there verifiable, real world dyno figures to prove that a boost bottle ALONE will show horsepower or torque improvements?

If they work so well, why do no manufacturer's use them?

Actually, boost bottles have been/are used by some manufacturers on motocross bikes. I'm not sure if new Motocross bikes have them, but they were factory equipped on Yamahas, and two of my KTMs from the mid 90's had them.

The dyno testing idea is a good one...certainly would provide some solid evidence one way or the other. Does anyone on the forum have acces to a dyno? Test the same bike(s) with and without their boost bottles in place.
God it's good to be old and infirmed lol... My need for speed has been gone for at least ten years.