Boost bottles

I second that about speed. I would be happy to have an engine that was dependable with hardly any maintenance.
Hello all,

My need for speed out weighs the conservative side in me. Seems like what ever I drive or ride always needs more power. I have ridden my bike with these mods ( and I ride it hard - over 30 mph everywhere ) and I have 900 miles on it with no problems. In the back of my mind though, if the motor were to seize at that speed it wouldn't be a good day I'm sure. I have a 36 tooth sprocket coming soon so here comes 40 mph. ha ha :D

Are there verifiable, real world dyno figures to prove that a boost bottle ALONE will show horsepower or torque improvements?

If they work so well, why do no manufacturer's use them?

Hello Bikeguy Joe,
Here is a link to Dyno results of the boost bottle working. I can testify that on my bike when I didn't have it and now that I do, the bike is definitely more powerful. Here is the link to the dyno results: Page Title

Not to mention air isn't going to make a 90 degree turn and go into a closed end bottle when it would just go straight and out the open carb mouth!

Hello bikeguy joe,
Here is a site with visual references and a picture showing the flow out of the boost bottle to the cyclinder. Yamaha did this as well as some other manufactuer's. It is interesting to see how others have plumbed in the boost bottle and that they even made the bottles from square plastic shapes. ------> click here: Boost Bottle

.....Thanks, quarkdude:D
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Thanks, how about some charts from an independant source?
The link to the site with visual references didn't come through.
Are there any manufacturers that use them now? What about in racing applications?
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My need for speed is satisfied in several ways, but the motorized bicycle is my solitude ride, not my racing machine.
Folks, I'm perhaps one of the biggest skeptics out there. Perhaps its my engineering degree, years as a military test pilot, and 20+ years of tinkering with electronics and mechanical items.

I will install a boost bottle on my bike next week. I know that my engine has a top speed of 23mph up a very steep hill at my house which is at 7,000 feet altitude. If anyone will notice a difference in power, it will be me. I will also measure time and distance to top speed from the same starting point
Well I went and ordered my boost bottle kit from Boost Bottle Industries, and when it finally came 6 days later ($14.95 shipping), It was shipped with the wrong manifold that was listed in the "auction". I contacted the seller and retuened the wrong manifold,and not wanting to wait 2 more weeks, I went to the Depot for fittings and tap. Got it installed and it is VERY hard to start, runs smooth at low rpm, but very poorly at mid and high. I have moved needle, checked for leaks, all is good because it runs fine without it. I have run boost bottles on most of my 2 stokes from 125cc up to 750cc and have notice considerable improvement. My next step is to remove it and measure the volume with marked containers that I use to measure proper amounts of fork oil. Since I got the wrong manifold (which is VERY obvious) maybe I also got the wrong bottle. I will keep ya all posted....
I installed my boost bottle this morning and took it for a ride.
Here are my findings to date:
1. Engine is harder to start-there are no airleaks in the intake system. Everything is sealed properly.
2. Low to midrange throttle operation is POOR. Idle is erratic and engine stumbles when increasing from idle to higher rpms.
3. At high rpms, full throttle, the engine runs good (same as before). Top speed from same starting point at bottom of hill with speed checked at a point 1 mile past starting point is improved by 0.2 mph. I suspect the 0.2 mph improvement is mainly due to fact that it is 47 deg F outside and the cooler crisp denser air is the reason behind that 0.2mph increase.

4. Next steps:
a. fiddle with needle clip height and see if mixture changes at high speed help.
b. Measure volume of entire setup.

Opinion so far: waste of money coupled with poor service from boost bottle makes this a big thumbs down.

I'll let you know if changing the volume with extra tubing length helps.

BTW, it took 2 weeks for my intake to be mailed from. Boost didn't reply to any of my emails until I threatened a chargeback. Boost claimed he replied to all of my emails and that his emails were in my junk email folder-they were not!
Well I finally measured the volume of my boost bottle and it is very close to the 48cc volume of the engine, so it appears to be correct. I am VERY dissatisfied with the vendor and the performance. I took a chance, members were split between improvement and none, I noticed none. I must agree with Skyliner, "waste of money"...
I wish you would of read my posts first on boost bottles and saved yourself some time and money.
I know that a water bottle is supposed to hold water to drink....not have a magic genie inside to "make power".....;)
Hello all,
Sorry about the boost bottle experiences that didn't go well. I have a few questions for you guys that didn't get it to work.
1. How long did you make the clear tubing between the intake and boost bottle? It helps to mount the bottle as close to the intake as possible.
2. What altitude are you at - Jetting is very critical I have found at around 1800 feet above sea level and higher?
3. How free flowing is your intake air filter?
4. Has the stock exhuast mod been done? Cutting the tube down inside the exhaust baffle area. This does make it a little louder but not bad.

Thanks, quarkdude