Bike Cards

Perhaps - but as our MB are so varied, there's so many options & such diversity, maybe not mentioning MB specifics at all & focusing on the forum?

*shrug* Jus' a thought - the cards are sweet man, thanks (^)
Hit send rather then preview! LOL, big time my bad. (forum/family friendly version had "butt")
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lol Dan

ah barelyawake, the k.i.s.s. method, eh?

Something more like this then?

or even without the blurb on top right?

font look okay?
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Looks great Killer. Good choice on font and pic. Simple and easy to read. Instantly identifiable concept. Next, t-shirts! lol

Hats and tattoos?
Thanks Dan, on page 2 there's a couple of different bikes. I figure with different ones peeps can pick the one they like and print them out. I plan on setting them up 12-up on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet too. Just gotta button down the design(s) :)
laff Dan - if my bike had a bumper - that'd be on it :p

Killer - I'm diggin' it, partic the first of the two in post #24, balanced & good layout (^)
Not to go to off topic but was on the phone with a biz partner yesterday with my bike warming up next to me in the garage. I was bragging about my muffler (A plumbers drain cleaning blow-bag) and he said "Yeah, sounds like ya got baseball cards in your spokes" LOL! Was what I was going for.

RiverSide :: blowBag muffler video by dan3xd - Photobucket

He didn't mean it as a compliment.
Yea that does sound like cards Dan, and I mean that as a compliment!

K, I think this tester sheet is good to go if someone wants to print one out to try. I don't have a printer at the moment, so I don't know if the crop-marks are big enough. Hopefully they will be, so you know where to cut them. I'd be horrified if they were all different sizes,lol. :p

Let me know how they turn out.


Very cool Killer and thanks for sharing. Just a side note, ya can buy perforated, biz card sheets for printing. comes out a lil better. Can get precut magnets too that have a peal off-sticker side for the card. I just think they are cool but goes from pennis to print to like 75 cents a card. I forget. Did the math a good while back.

But again, great job Killer, thanks!
Thanks for the kudos Dan(and all), but do you have a link handy of that pre-perfed layout so I can match it? I checked some out, laser cut and whatnot, but couldn't find an actual image of their layout... plus alot of them were only 8-up. ew

So on one hand, most printers don't register worth a crap. I may sound finicky, but I've been a printing press operator for over 15yrs(until recently), and most computer printers can't put an image in the same spot twice to save their life. Also on that note, business card stock is easy to come by for me... On the other hand, I didn't really think about what people will have to pay for that. D'oh!

But even if its on 20/60lb paper it's still something to hand out to an interested party. Flimsiness notwithstanding; they'll at least be easy to fold, heh heh.

Hmm, thanks for making me think about that.

But, c'mon... who around here doesn't have a straight edge and an exacto-knife to cut along a couple of dots? :) :)

So has anyone test printed the 12-up sheet yet? I'm a dabbler in teh graphic artistry and need to know if everything's cool.

If we hurry, the guys at the UnDead race can have something to hand out.

I'll keep at it.
Hey Greg, I am going to try a few different programs to open it up in and print from.....I'm pretty sure I can make it work. I've got really heavy card sheets and a paper cutter....should make it a breeze. I'll letcha know how it goes 2morrow...scotto-
Success! I finally got the ol' HP to work with me and the sheet came out flawless. Then onto the ol' Boston 2610 paper chopping block and BAM......instant professional looking buisness cards. Thanks for all your efforts Greg....will be handing these out to the masses daily.

I was finally able to do it with Windows Photo Gallery, just had to change some options on the print page. The problem I was having before is it would only print a half page in portrait, as illustrated in the pic below. They look great...cheers!

And these cost me next to nothing....a drop of ink and my g/f already had the card stock = free!
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Wow, these went up in price. Not sure what I paid last time but was a lot less then this. But just as an example. But is a good point, could just print and cut out

Full Color Flat Print Business Cards With Backside Printing Bright White Linen Box Of 250 by Office Depot

Didn't read that carefully, is double sided

Lol, $70 for double sided cards? I think I'll just stick to the 12-ups. Those with laser cut stock can use their program, there's just too many different ones out there.

Walmart has 50 sheets of 65lb for $5, coloured ones too That's enough for 600 :)


Success! I finally got the ol' HP to work with me and the sheet came out flawless. Then onto the ol' Boston 2610 paper chopping block and BAM......instant professional looking buisness cards. Thanks for all your efforts Greg....will be handing these out to the masses daily.

I was finally able to do it with Windows Photo Gallery, just had to change some options on the print page. The problem I was having before is it would only print a half page in portrait, as illustrated in the pic below. They look great...cheers!

And these cost me next to nothing....a drop of ink and my g/f already had the card stock = free!

Right on Scott, the cut marks showed up really good, cool. Thanks!

Hm, I was thinking, instead of making different sheets for each bike, should I just put multiple bikes on one sheet? But I'll worry about that later and keep plugging at them. Cheers!