bicycle motor running fine!


Well-Known Member
well in the low forty's today and winds 20-30mph but i couldn't stand it and had to take the ole motorized bicycle for a little cruise. started right up ran a little ruff for a very short distance then bursted into life. i am still shivering i am so cold but dang that was fun. reading about all you guys rides was making me crazy. i am one big smile.:D can't wait till winter is finally over
I was talking to Norman yesterday just as I got off work. He wanted to get the motorized bikes out and do a little riding yesterday evening. The weather was really nice. I should've went, but my wife had beer and pizza waiting. You gotta get those priorites right....................
lol i would have had the pizza then rode and came back and had beer. i tried to take my motorized bicycle out again and it is just to darn cold but warm weather is finnally coming. i can't wait(^)
Cruiser- There is no such thing as bad weather, just improper clothing.

Uh, at least that's what they say.....I am comfortable riding my motorized bicycle or motorcycle down to around 50 degrees, but after that I have to put on waaay too much clothing to be warm.

My bigger problem right now is the garage is snowed in and even if I did get the snow moved, I couldn't get the bike(s) up to the road. (no driveway to the back garage yet, just mud.)
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I have ridden down to thirty five degrees. It was part of my requirements to stop driving a car. I had to be able to ride the bike at least two times a week. that should get enough errands run to take care of me. So I looked at the weather and usually even in the winter here it will get above 35 degrees at some point in the day at least twice a week.

It was not a fun ride, but I could have ridden a couple of miles to the store and warmed up then rode back. But I love riding in 60 and 70 degree weather but I'm going to hate that motorcycle helmet in the summer months I can tell already. I'm wondering if I can't get away with a bike helmet.
Man the trees are starting to leave out here tornado weathr is just around the corner. I wil get me next week I go on 24 hour call the 18 until the 25 of March and if it going to storm it will spill its guts then. I'll be dodging lightning bolts and baseball size hail stones. Batter up!rotfl
Be sure to bring your bikes in Norman you wouldn't want to get them out in a rain of baseballs.
hey guys, my bike ran pretty well for the first time yesterday but today i jsut can't get it to start:(. The motor is turning and it sounds kinda like the motor is running but it wont start. is there something I am doing wrong? I checked the electricals and everything seems OK I also checked the carb and it seems to be getting gas so I have no clue at all. any help would be much appreciated
The kill switch could be faulty, both of mine went bad in the first 15 minutes of operstion.

Alsio, make sure you are choking it enough.
My cruiser bike I have to choke when it is cold. After it warms up it needs no choke. But the motorized mountain bike I built for the wife has to be choked everytime. And as soon as it starts you have to get the choke off or it will die. I guess they all have their own little idioscyncrises...............