bairdco Where ya at?

thanks guys.

i actually was never really gone. what happened was, i was tuning up my bike in hopes of getting a ride to the death race, and when i left my house for a test ride, i went the wrong way.

apparently i went in the same direction as the earth's rotation, and because i was going so fast, i actually traveled 2 weeks into the future.

since the earth rotates at about 1000mph, i must have been going about 11-12 thousand per...

i tried to take video of it, but i didn't have a hi speed camera, and when i played it back, it just looked like the final scene of 2001, a Space Odyssey...


downhill don't count :D
That reminds me ... how come we can't travel by just hovering in a helicopter and let the earth rotate beneath us? (?) ......................................................................... :p
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hey, just wanted to let you guys know i'm back. i moved down the street and onto a friend's couch till we find a place with a garage. got a lot of ideas, but no place to build, and not enough money to waste... i mean, invest, on a new bike.

the computer here is really lousy, though, and i just don't have the patience to wait for it to catch up with me, so i probably won't be around as much, at least not until i get a laptop, hopefully sometime later this week.

it's pretty cool that there's people out there that i've never met, who are worried, or wondering what's going on with me...

i mean, i guess it's cool. it's also kinda creepy, if i think about it too much. :)
I have decided that a motorized bike is a time machine for real. Everytime I ride mine I feel like it's i1963 again
Deacon, I married both her sisters!!!!


What is it about out of plumb women that makes them so darn much fun? That is till you marry them, then you find out just how fast those cute things about her drive you CRAZY.
Deacon, with me it was like a bee to honey. I knew they were nutz but I just had to find out how bad it was.

Would have been better to back my bare tail feathers into a fan on high speed. Less pain.
Just not as much fun?

my wife (current) and I talk about it. She has a girl friend from college who is a couple of bubbles out of plumb, so she understands how appealing those people are. Her nutty friend got all the guys. I can imagine how the friends of those nutso women must feel when the really good guys go ga ga over them.

But god was the ride fun, it was that sudden stop at the end that did me in. I tell everyone, I would be rich today were it not for slow horses and fast women and there is a lot of truth to that.