Bad crankcase gasket ??s


New Member
I just got another engine kit and noticed the crankcase gasket doesn't look right, it sticks alot at the rear of the engine and I cant see it at all an inch forward of that just at the place where the clutch screw housing on the crankcase is. I will post pic tomorrow, but has anyone noticed this on their kit?..... It may be there below the level where I can see and it may be sealing the case but .... I dunno... how can I determine if it's ok without actually running the engine?... I've spent $500.00 with this seller and he has not responded to my email or phone calls.. I think I'm done with that vendor.... it's always something with these things....:(

Here's a couple of pics..

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Here's a couple of pics, anybody think this is a problem?..what does that area of the gasket seal?..
back by the clutch cable's lower mount there is no need to worry about the engine's crankcase leaking the only thing in that area is the shaft that has the clutch and front drive sprocket in it. You should be good to go. I'll tell you right now it can be a son of a B to split the cases if you don't know what your doing I've done it and had no problem the problem is getting or making a crankcase gasket to replace the one thats there before you split the case they will tear youcan almost bet on that. I have a pattern to make a new case gasket but they can be tough to install right.
You can see sort of whast inside the case if you go to my engine tear down in the classic posts that may give you an idea of whats there.
about the only thing that should leak out of there is grease if its not sealing.
back by the clutch cable's lower mount there is no need to worry about the engine's crankcase leaking the only thing in that area is the shaft that has the clutch and front drive sprocket in it. You should be good to go. I'll tell you right now it can be a son of a B to split the cases if you don't know what your doing I've done it and had no problem the problem is getting or making a crankcase gasket to replace the one thats there before you split the case they will tear youcan almost bet on that. I have a pattern to make a new case gasket but they can be tough to install right.
You can see sort of whast inside the case if you go to my engine tear down in the classic posts that may give you an idea of whats there.
about the only thing that should leak out of there is grease if its not sealing.

Thanks for the replies gentlemen, I took the clutch cover off and used a socket wrench to turn the crankshaft while putting a little soapy water on the area where the gasket is not visible and while turining the crankshaft I saw some "bubbling" indicating a compression leak, <Norman;> do you think that's a correct assesment of the gasket problem. I don't want to keep the engine and then find out several hundred miles later that the whole gasket blows out.. what's a little bubbling now may progress to total failure of the gasket...
If its bubbling around where the engines crancase is that ain't good it shouldn't bubble you will need to get a different engine, at the back where the mainshaft goes through as there isn't any thing there to make a pressure diff. to form bubbles do you understand what area I'm referring to?
If you've not ran the engine see if you can get it exchanged.
Thanks, for the info, the area where I saw bubbles was just fwd of the mainshaft but I did send it back to the vendor for exchange, I realized that when I saw bubbles, it "can't be good".. thanks hill climber, that was my impression too.. seeing it in print solidified my thinking about it being a defective install of the gasket. The engines I have gotten so far have been really nice, I installed one on my cruiser, it runs great, and have another one "looking" for a bike to build..... regards..